The Bubble-Magus Club

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I cleaned the collection cup of my BM100 last monday (09/07/09).

Here some pics from a few minutes ago. (pics by cell:cool: )



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You know the BM100 is just a great skimmer! I continue to be impressed with it. Out of all the skimmers I've used it has been the best.....

I don't understand why they discontinued it for the NAC6. The performance doesn't seem to be as good as the BM100. I've got one running on a relatives tank.
Got my Bubble Magus NAC6 today, and all I can say is wow. High quality skimmer that really moves some air. When I was putting it together, I noticed the ceramic shaft in the pump had snapped. Not a big deal, since I had a stainless steel shaft in the garage I could replace it with. One email to Chris at Nuocean, and a replacement shaft is on the way. Excellent customer service.

Great skimmer at a great price.
My Nac6 has been running now for a week and can not seem to get good skimmite out of it. I built and installed a new sump to hold the new skimmer. After installing it I had to add 28 gal of fresh water. Would this be the cause of poor skimmite. The skimmer is sitting in 12" of water.
The NAC6 requires a foot print of 6.7x10.4

The length of my skimmer space is 12 inches so I know I have the 10.4 covered, but how accurate is the 6.7? Can I make the short side of the skimmer space in my sump 7 inches? I was thinking more like 7.5 instead. Is 7.5 good?

Why does it say the cylinder is 8" diameter?

specs from
how big is your sump....i wouldnt build a skimmer section to fit just this skimmer but make the compartment to house other skimmers if more room the happier you'll be later down the line...
Anyone using the BMQQ line of these skimmers? Thinking about putting one in my 30 nano.

I just ordered mine yesterday for my custom 14 gallon. I didn't plan on running a skimmer but it was just so cool and the price was right at $95 shipped. UPS says it should be here Oct 5th. I'll post pics when I get it. :bounce3:
I'm looking at getting either the BM150, BM155 or BM160 for my 115g. I will be running it in my sump and the water level in my sump is 12inches which one would you guys recommend?
I can only get the Aquabee pumps or the Atman ones since I'll be ordering from Hong Kong and I'd rather stay away from the Atman ones.
I'm looking at getting either the BM150, BM155 or BM160 for my 115g. I will be running it in my sump and the water level in my sump is 12inches which one would you guys recommend?

Make a PVC or Eggcrate stand to raise the skimmer up in the water column.
I wouldn't be able to raise it up that much because of the height inside my stand. Aren't the BM150 and BM155 suppose to be run at around 10-13inches?
Should I sell my swc 250 for this skimmer? I'm using the swc 250 on a 125 gal with a 30 gal sum
hey guys, I ordered a NAC6A the other day and am in the process of setting up my sump. IU just had a couple of questions. Firstly what is the actual footprint of the NAC6A and what have people found to be the best water height?


This is my first time posting.
I've been trying to follow this thread as it has information about BMQQ but not much.
For any owners of the BMQQ model, could you let me know if it's loud?
I am contemplating on purchasing this model.. but really need it to be quiet.

Any feedback is appreciated!

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