The Chronicles of my 250g Cube (190g display)

Hey guys thank you for the interest and thank you for the compliments, I can't post any pictures right now because I have exceeded my bandwidth limit with photobucket for the month, but as soon as it clears, I'll be posting again, which could be like in 2 days :D
I have so many new pieces to show you guys, they used to be in my old 50 gallon, too bad I can't show you just yet because of my photobucket dilemma :(. but they're coming soon :)
Well here are some pictures

Here are the black fittings from savko

and some of the new inhabitants



pink spotted shrimp goby



Thank you, that scolymia would be one of my favorite corals, this tank will be sps and clam dominated, but I will have some of my favorite lps, and some zoas as well. thank you for the compliment

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7095091#post7095091 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by XxMutedYouthxX
wow that skullimia is amazing!

I agree. Tanks looking great.

Zoos- sorry no pics yet man. Ive been really busy with staderdized exams every weekend UCHH. :(
I'll get you pics soon.
Well I got a few more things

ORA captive bred Orchid dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)


Swissguard Basslet (Liopropoma rubre)

He's playing with death hanging out by the intake of the dart :D

3 Tiger trochus snails

Tank raised Queen conch

4 Tridacna crocea clams


I also bought a pistol shrimp for my pink spotted goby, not exactly sure what kind of pistol shrimp it is and I wasn't able to get a picture, but as soon as I can get one I will post it.
Thanks alien.

Well so I have 4 tiny fish that cost me over $200.00 and they all hide all day all night :D we're going to have to get some swimmers in there. I would really like a school of Threadfin Cardinals, I would also like a Purple Tang, and some anthias, not sure which ones to go with yet, I'm considering the Sunburst but they tend to hide too, Squamipinnis are great but tend to be a little aggressive, decisions, decisions.

get a few schooling anthias.. they really look cool in big systems... the more i see them in shcools, the more i grow to like them.
Yeah I know what you mean, but I'm one of those people that really doesn't like to overcrowd a tank, and I still think my tank is pretty small. I would love about 7 or 8 female squamipinnis and 1 male, but they grow and can get pretty aggressive, and think about the food that 8 or 9 large fish are going to consume, and the waste they're going to produce. It is so difficult for me to buy fish, and I am so picky about what I buy because I'm so conscience about the responsibilities that follow, know what I mean?

Hey alien I was just looking at your gallery and I see that you have a pearly jawfish, I was considering one, but I'm afraid my dottyback and goby might terrorize it. they're so cool
