Are you allowed in the dirty tank club with that skimmer and that maintenance?
Are you allowed in the dirty tank club with that skimmer and that maintenance?
Lol I can't help to agree!
Alex why not add a sand sifting goby to your tank? Mine does wonders on my sand bed! So much so he creates sand storms a few times a day.
I personally don't have a dug or anywhere that gunk can go as I have a very large filter sock that can collect for an entire week lol
I wish I had that much time!
Lol currently working 2 jobs...have not been home since 7 this morning and won't be home till 11...but I see your point but I'm on my phone doing all this lol![]()
Hahaha I also shoppvac my sump every other w/c so
I would say every 2weeks -/+ and it works really well!
And I also wipe it & scrub it![]()
(and yes every time I wipe my front glass I wipe my sump)
Not OCD at all I think it should be implemented more... It's part of weekly maintenance usually have to do my wc Sunday morning before my wife & daughter wakes up![]()
Lmao I get fellow fish enthusiasts not reefers
That's a club all in itself!
Wow biggles... For what you claim to be a low maintenance tank it is quite impressive. Nice job!!! What model skimmer are you using? Also, do you dose 2 part for ca and alk?
Hi mate, i use a Deltec SC1455 which is rated for at least twice my total water volume. I only run such a largely over rated skimmer because i feed a lot each day. I have live rock in the sump as well purely for filtration. I have used a turkey baster in the sump about 6 times to stir anything up which usually creates a filthy display but the acros PE goes nuts when the water clouds up so i also throw some reef roids in at the same time.
I dose bi carb soda from the supermarket, SPA water hardener (calcium chloride) from the pool shop and Seachem magnesium. I also keep potassium at 400 since seeing first hand the difference raising it from 300 has made in just 2 weeks to both colors and growth.
I think using all quality fresh live rock allows one to achieve what most call 'tank maturity' much sooner than when starting with sterile dry rock and my sump and display have healthy populations of pods and mysis, i don't use socks etc. I always like to have a small amount of algae visible at all times but nothing that the snails can't sort out in a day or two.
Specifics? It would be nice to have a list of what you've observed doing well in an ULNS system and in a DOC rich situation. Thanks.
From my experience, most Aquacultured corals performed better with dirty tanks and most pieces thrived such as my (Red planet, Blue Torts, Montiporas, Digitatas, Milliporas (rose,Blue,Metallic, Bubblegum).
While other species such as (echinatas, deep water, Lokinas) looked worse and performed better under ULNS.
some pieces bloomed, while others stunted and RTN.
Alex and I have been discussing this for a while offline and I haven't added anything here because I am in between tanks right now. Not to derail this great thread and I hope it doesnt, but I am curious to hear what size skimmers everyone is using. So if you don't mind, can you state the skimmer you use and what your twv is?