The Farm

Beautiful. Thanks. I bought a frag from A. sec ale colony recently. Online retailer said that he was not sure whether it was an efflo or secale, but he thought it could be a secale. I hope my frag grows and colours up like the coral in your picture.

Its quite amazing that the SPS are spawning whilst they are still relatively small sized. :beer:
Do you know what triggered it? You're not open to the ocean, so it wouldn't have been a chemical change. Do you control the temperature of your tanks and/or keep the temps the same as the nearby ocean? Do the corals have access to moonlight?

That's fantastic. I hope you're able to actually get some colonization of new corals from the spawn. It's rare to have a spawn in a captive system, so this is spectacular! Thanks for sharing!
I believe from his other post that they do have a moon cycle. That's awsome that your frags that you've been growing have spawned I wonder if it's possible to make a new species of acro depending on the type of acros from fertilization
Sure..... Some new stock coming along...


I've been very interested in this thread for a while and was going to ask for updates, when...YES, new pics!

I have lots of questions:o:o
I've been wondering, when new stock is/was introduced you mentioned it was dipped and quarantined but was it light acclimated as well? I can't imagine that even when collected in clear shallow water the light intensity they were used to was within 10-20% of what they experience in the vats.

Do you know the ingredients and amount % in the "ant and wasp" killer used to dip them? Have you experimented in this area? Everyone suggests a brand, dose, and duration, but you have a business and obviously being well verse in this topic is in you best interest.

Which coral is your favorite and/or the one that best handles the conditions in the vats? Particularly interested in this one since you have the unique opportunity to witness these corals in the wild, in the vats and in your or others tanks.

I'm trying not to ask about particular things or trade secrets you developed or use.