the guys from tanked and petco are joining forces

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That show needs to die in a fire. Sounds like a plan to me, kill off the few remaining LFS too while you are at it. The number of shops selling salt fish in my area has gone from 20 in the 90s, to 2 today. Shows like Tanked are getting new people in, and anything that helps, I say great.
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aiptasias and majanos are threatened species? why aren't you yelling at me for all the pods i might have killed?

oh when oh when will the strawmen go away?....... :facepalm:

So you're argument is it's okay then to kill things that aren't threatened? Wow! How do you think they get threatened? If you want to try and make the arguments that they are destroying the hobby then you have to take take the good with the bad which you basically just admitted what you deem bad or not threatened, Okay to kill. You kill aiptasia, majanos, etc.... doesnt matter if they are a threatened species or not. By my standards you are no better like you think you are. You're probably killing pods naturally, key word naturally. You're proving more and more that you don't really know what you're talking about. I think I will join your FB group and then create one about people protesting you. Lets see who gets more likes. You're losing your own argument. Its not looking pretty for you.
Does the author know that they came right from the ocean? Or could it be that a shark, transported from a holding tank might be disoriented after being placed in a tank? Perhaps you should talk to Tampa Marine, one of those non existant behind the scenes companies, the ones who stock the tank, remove excess and incomparable fish from the tanks as soon as cameras are cut, and maintains the tanks after they leave (like the show mandates from all featured tanks)

Well here is what was said:

Coney Island Applebee's owner Zane Tankel, who apparently was the inspiration for killer shark Zane in the restaurant's tank, explains that little Zane didn't mean to devour his tank mates like so many cheese dunkers in a shark attack "¦ he was just stressed out by some life changes and had trouble coping:

"œ(The Coney Island Applebee's sharks) were in shock. We moved them in too quickly "¦ They went from being in an ocean to being in a tank. They were all disoriented."

Once again, even if there is another company handling the tank after the facts, maybe they should have been consulted before... I mean seriously, have you seen that tank? Would you put a black and a white tip in a place with tons of things that could possibly hurt them?
That shoe needs to die in a fire. Sounds like a plan to me, kill off the few remaining LFS too while you are at it. The number of shops selling salt fish in my area has gone from 20 in the 90s, to 2 today. Shows like Tanked are getting new people in, and anything that helps, I say great.

just to help clear up the obvious confusion you're having in mixing up different issues entirely w/the issues i'm addressing ;)
So you're argument is it's okay then to kill things that aren't threatened? Wow! How do you think they get threatened? If you want to try and make the arguments that they are destroying the hobby then you have to take take the good with the bad which you basically just admitted what yiu deem bad or not threatened, Okay to kill. You're probably killing pods naturally, key word naturally. You're proving more and more that you don't really know what you're talking about. I think I will join your FB group and then create one about people protesting you. Lets see who gets more likes.

no-my argument is that your comparison is inaccurate,specious, and irrelevant to my entire point.

create any kind of page you want! no one is stopping you! become an activist for the sake of competition :lol: :)
=anyone who tries to help me out w/good solid advice based on hundreds of yrs of collective experience is mean and evil and out to get me!

sounds more like you have a severe problem w/constructive criticism, rather than being a 'tank nazi' victim.

'tank nazi' i like that term-especially when i was born jewish-has a twisted irony to it :)

i certainly don't recall telling anyone they *must* go and like my page, or agree w/me, nor am i telling you what or how to do anything-if it's not your cup of tea, don't drink. for this i get called a 'tank nazi' ? :lol:

Calling for the blood of those who don't agree with you, people calling others idiots cause they don't agree, banning a show when they have no effing clue what they are talking about, if the Shoe fits...

As for my build, my problem isn't with criticism, it is with narrow minded reefers. FOWLR doesn't need reactors, gfo, dosing, and all the other stuff I was told I must have. No one reads, everyone reacts.
they basically put a shark and it's food together in the same tank, while said tank was completely inappropriate for those sharks to begin with, and possibly causing damage to the shark's sensory apparatus, to boot.

THIS is where 'the dog is buried' ;)
Calling for the blood of those who don't agree with you, people calling others idiots cause they don't agree, banning a show when they have no effing clue what they are talking about, if the Shoe fits...

As for my build, my problem isn't with criticism, it is with narrow minded reefers. FOWLR doesn't need reactors, gfo, dosing, and all the other stuff I was told I must have. No one reads, everyone reacts.

indeed-look in the mirror lately ? ;)

all i'm doing is asking anyone of a like mind w/me that the show is inappropriately done on multiple levels and damaging to livestock in the long run to show it by 'joining' or liking my page, in an attempt to hopefully change the shows behavior or get it off the air. it's certainly my right, and i certainly think it's a fairly noble cause. you don't agree? i'm fine w/that. but YOU'RE the one making ad hominem attacks here on the board to fellow posters, not me.

was i even involved in any discussions w/ you before this particular thread?

and you can rest assured i definitely have a clue about what i'm talking about-even more than a clue :)
the only thing that matters is if they put that outcome on TV or continue to paint a false picture. they should admit the mistake and what they will do to prevent in the future. if they hide from it, thats bad
That show needs to die in a fire. Sounds like a plan to me, kill off the few remaining LFS too while you are at it. The number of shops selling salt fish in my area has gone from 20 in the 90s, to 2 today. Shows like Tanked are getting new people in, and anything that helps, I say great.

it's far more likely that the reduction of stores was their own darn fault, and even more likely the fault was that they did business the same way 'tanked' encourages people to do so. get a customer in, sell him an entire pkg., 1/2 of which is useless/inappropriate, and then to hell w/them as someone who should be EDUCATED.

a successful hobbyist is a return customer-an unsuccessful one isn't. i've proven this in the real world in every store i've worked in, on two continents. i never pushed a sale-EVER.

in fact, i did more to dissuade folks from purchases more than any other fellow staff member at any lfs/distributor/wholesaler i've worked in, and said customer's not only came back to me more than the fellow 'pusher' employees, but the lfs's saw a decent increase both in business, and reputation.

because of TRUST, backed by the knowledge to gain that trust ;)
So you're argument is it's okay then to kill things that aren't threatened? Wow! How do you think they get threatened? If you want to try and make the arguments that they are destroying the hobby then you have to take take the good with the bad which you basically just admitted what you deem bad or not threatened, Okay to kill. You kill aiptasia, majanos, etc.... doesnt matter if they are a threatened species or not. By my standards you are no better like you think you are. You're probably killing pods naturally, key word naturally. You're proving more and more that you don't really know what you're talking about. I think I will join your FB group and then create one about people protesting you. Lets see who gets more likes. You're losing your own argument. Its not looking pretty for you.

could you please explain to me how 'don't kill threatened animals' is equivalent to 'kill animals that aren't threatened'.

succeed and i will send you 100 dollars-i'm not kidding
"after talking to Brett and clearly seeing that he’s out to help the hobby and to educate children on the wonders of the ocean"

pure bs-it's completely irreconcilable w/the end result/product that is each episode.someone who claims to care about and wants to educate about the wonders of an ocean doesn't put a shark into what's equivalent to a thimble of water, or overstock tanks to a guaranteed point of doesn't pass even a one nostril smell test ;)

my bet is that he's clueless about both, outside of the realm of his business world/immediate environment, and trying to do a cya, as i know they're well aware that many have nothing but utter distaste and contempt for their show and it's 'message'. it's a statement for ratings, nothing more :(

and anyone who calls themselves 'mr. saltwater tank' is a non starter from the gate, lol
are you sure that article has anything to do w/ tanked? or the shark torturing restaurant?doesn't seem so to me...looks completely unrelated, unless i missed something(?)
"From the New York Daily News:
The new Applebee's restaurant in Coney Island celebrates its grand opening Monday "” and death is on the menu.
A Blacktip shark named Zane had to be removed Friday from the restaurant's 5,000-gallon aquarium after devouring three Lookdown fish in a shocking killing spree.
That very same day, a Whitetip shark died after colliding with a three-foot Wonder Wheel replica in the tank, leaving employees shaken by the mayhem.
The sharks "œwere in shock. We moved them in too quickly," said Applebee's owner Zane Tankel, who saw the bloodthirsty $4,000 shark, his namesake, hauled to an aquarium in the aptly named Fishkill, N.Y. due to its poor table manners.
"œThey went from being in an ocean to being in a tank. They were all disoriented," Tankel added."

more at the linky

Since when was a shark having a simple and normal meal of smaller fish a shocking killing spree? That's like being surprised when a grouper eats clownfish, or lionfish eats a wrasse :rolleyes:
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