haha I've hopefully got some more jealous-worthy wrasse to come! One day I would truly love to get my hands on c. claire! But at a few grand a pop, I think that day will be a while away hahaI've been putting off posting because I'm super jealous of your wrasse, but your tank is looking to good not to give you props. Great job on the scape!
I know, finally worthy of being in the sps keepers section on RC :lolspin: Thanks Flo, I'm hoping the improvements start to flow over the next few weeks!looking so nice DOM! :bounce3:
finally looking like a tank that belongs into the SPS area of this forum
Cheers Buddy
Thank you for the kind words Perry, they mean a lot coming from an acro-maestro such as yourselfWOW Dom!!!
Things are settling in nicely man, I can totally see Andrews influence in your style, and love it!!! Tank is looking great, cannot wait to see those sticks get bigger and fill in, going to be one hell of a tank mate![]()
Technically I didn't get anything, much to Andrew's dismay! :hammer: that being said there's a trick to that statement and it's coming in the following update along with the delivery night shots at Deer ParkOK Dom, just read Biggles page. When will we find out what you got?
You do realise we are never going to hear the end of this don't you Dom..........:facepalm:
Before anyone starts whining about how unfair it is that Dom and i have access to stuff like these acros - just pause for a minute and consider this before you pass judgement.....
Due to the long period that passed while i perused the acros, my left hand resting on the glass edge of the SPS tank became quite sore after a while and i found that gently waving it back and forth in long slow sweeps under the water just over the top of the acros actually relieved the pain ! :wave:
Didn't know that acros can make things better instantly did you............ hmmmmmmmm. I just added significantly to the SPS knowledge base imo.
You're all welcome - no need for thanks
Your tank cover should keep them in the tank.
This is how i see what was before my eyes Matt
The first thing i do is admire everything and then discount every piece that has green branch tissue or brown bases that i don't believe will ever totally cover with color.
The i picked the 3 pieces i wanted from the remaining choices.
It takes willpower but it's why my display will never end up with green being the dominant pigment overall........... it's just a personal thing but you guys see a lot more goodies you would buy than i did.
I'm sure many of you wonder how your displays end up a lot greener than you intended initially.......... i've been there and done that....:spin3:
I need a pair of biggles vision corrective lenses