Thumbs up for Ozone!

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I just wouldn't use carbon. The way xxvietxjustinxx is planing, is to use it on his output from the skimmer to reduce ozone. To me this means 24/7. I think I would be more worried about that, than O3 getting into the tank.
Sam, You are 100% right. Whatever xxvietxjustinxx wants to do, and he is happy then I think he should. I, as in me, just wouldn't do it. I'm sure others will chime in on both sides of the carbon 24/7 debate and whether or not to worry about the output of the skimmer putting O3 into the water.

xxvietxjustinxx... Whatever works for you, is good.
Ok, can I just use regular airline tubing with my ozone unit, or do I have to use some type of special ozone tubing??

How effective is this stuff (ozone that is) with algae spores i.e. popping valonia aka bubble algae? If you pop it (well trying to manually removing it), will the ozone help in reducing it?
I would imagine it would nuke bubble algae spores, but more than likly it would only nuke a small amount of it since you dont and wont have any o3 in the tank itself.

It will nuke pretty much anything,,, metal, plastics, etc as well as organics.
ok, Do i put a bag of carbon ontop of the skimmer collection cup, or do I put a bag of carbon on the output riser pipe of my euro reef skimmer?? I heard this is good so you dont smell the ozone, and so it doesnt leach into the main tank? Sorry, im kinda a noob with the ozone stuff........

I use an airstone PVC skimmer. Do I need to build a reactor in order to run ozone? Could I just buy a cheap air pump and pump it into the skimmer or T off one of my existing air lines (assuming the airstones can handle ozone)?
Ok have read the whole post and have decided to use ozone a couple of pages back there was the mention of a ozone reactor, could someone just get lets say a pieve of 1-2 inch pvc pipe with caps on both ends place bio balls on the inside drill a hole at the top for the enterance of the ozone and drill a hole on the bottom for exit? and let it drip into the sump?
Qmonroe said:
yes sir do you think i would need an air pump to go with it?

For the typical ozone reactor you would need an air pump... they work under a slight bit of pressure...

would any cheap little air pump work?
and would the reactor come with a slot for the pump or would i more than likely need to modify it?
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