Thumbs up for Ozone!

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Ok, I smelled it and had my wife smell it and it has a stale smell to it, so I guess it is not working properly. Hope I can get parts for it.
crna63 said:
Ok, I smelled it and had my wife smell it and it has a stale smell to it, so I guess it is not working properly. Hope I can get parts for it.

I'd bet it's working correctly. The smell can have many different characters to it, my generators don't put out a sweet smell and they never have.

Ultralife generators are optical and tend to have a lower output. Try running the thing on your tank and see if there is any effect. I don't know what controls you have on that particular unit but keep it's output low to start out. It takes time to raise ORP.
My opinion. Ozone is Ozone. If you do not smell it it is not working or is so low that it is now worth having. I have never heard of ozone not having a noticeable smell before and I have read about ozone for the last few years (1000s of posts).
littlesilvermax said:
My opinion. Ozone is Ozone. If you do not smell it it is not working or is so low that it is now worth having. I have never heard of ozone not having a noticeable smell before and I have read about ozone for the last few years (1000s of posts).

Huh ?

Yes Ozone is Ozone, that's undeniable.

Define 'noticeable smell.'

Other than reading about it, have you used it ?
I emailed the company to see if I can get parts for it. There is a high/low switch but it is broke and it has been wired for high output and there is no wiring schematic so I don't know how to wire it for low output. I have been running it for two days with no noticeable improvement in water clarity.
Reefvet said:
Huh ?

Yes Ozone is Ozone, that's undeniable.

Define 'noticeable smell.'

Other than reading about it, have you used it ?

I use it, love it, and smell it out the exhaust port of my skimmer (vented outside) everyday.
I hope yours works better than mine. My enaly made everything go nuts. Speakers, X10, TV etc. hell of a field that thing created.
I hope your not serious,,, it will fry the machine if it doesnt have good airflow.

I hope you dont have the issues I had, but I wouldnt recommend that. Even when I had mine going through an X10 filter, it still made the speakers freak out.
need some help here folks, been running ozone now about 3 weeks, RED Sea 50 , maintains range of 360-380. My Euro Reef skimmer basically is not pulling anything out anymore. Any ideas ot thoughts appreciated. Filter sock much dirtier much faster though
Need advice on the amount/size of ozone generator. My system is a 300 gallon sps dominated,90gal fuge,150gal sump with 3-40gal frag tanks. Also with a med to heavy fish load. The skimmer is a 8" dia 6'tall recirc w/3 sedra 9000 needlewheels.
I have an Enaly. What kind of problems were you having liquidfunk? So far, I haven't had any--at least that I know of--so am curious. Thanks.
Started my unit up. No interference to speak of. Just some ozone smell in my stand....guess I need more carbon on the air outlets.
it made my speakers make noises even when the stereo was off, as well as canceled any X10 signals from my aquacontroller IIIPRO.
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