ssbreef said:<b><font color="red">******Just a warning*****</font>
Long-Term Effects of Ozone on Your Health:</b>
Premature aging of the lungs
Decreased lung function
Worsened symptoms of asthma, emphysema, and other lung diseases
Inflammation and damage of the lining of the lungs
Creetin said:Is the probe used? Is the probe, or has the probe been tottaly submerged? (They sometimes leak and short giving false readings) Try letting it sit in vinegar for 1/2 hr first. Probes will creep up like that when dirty.
reefplayer said:
1. Position or placement of the ORP probe? Where should the probe be correctly place.
2. Clamness of the water? Having turbulence water where the probe is will change the reading?
3. Temperature of the water? Will the reading varies when temperature varies?
Yes, dry air makes the ozone generator more efficient. Carbon use is a matter of opinion. Since I have my ozone generator connected to an ASM skimmer, there is no convenient place to put carbon on the output. Therefore I run without. I do use carbon in a separate container for clarification but not from the output.scarletknight06 said:great thread! couple questions:
1) I have this ozonizer:
It uses a UV bulb to produce ozone, does it still require an air dryer?
2) how much carbon to i need to run after the output of my skimmer?
jjjimmy said:OK guys, I am ready to plunge into the world of ozone but I do still have a few questions.
I bought a used Red Sea AquaZone plus 100 so it has the ORP controller built right in the unit.
1. How necessary is an air dryer? Or is it more of a PIA than it is worth?
2. I am running a Precision Marine bullet-2 beckett skimmer and I am going to be connecting the unit to the fitting for it on the injector assembly. Am I going to need an air pump or will the injector assembly pull the air through the unit?
3. How necessary is it to run the air outlet of my skimmer and the effluent from the skimmer through a carbon filter of some sort?
4. What do you all recommend for cleaning my ORP probe?
5. I had planned on starting the unit out at 40 mg/hr on a total system volume of approximately 260 gallons. Does that sound about right?
Any insight that you can offer is much appreciated.