Thumbs up for Ozone!

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I read on the Ref Chemistry Forum that a guy named "Boomer" who seems to know a lot about Ozone, recommends a .5 mg/gal sized ozone generator. He also recommends a hair dryer since not using one could damage the unit.

Does this jive with what everyone is using? follow how to run reefs 15-20 years ago & I'll do what works in 2005 & I didn't throw "EVERYTHING" Theil wrote out the window........just the info posted about air dryers & ozone.

The technnology & information available is far superior....reefers have learned a few new things along the way......yeah the bible was a BAD analogy.
I have a Red-Sea 250 mg/hr ozonizer with their 500 mg/hr air dryer. Recharged beads last about 2 weeks in my set-up. Not too much of a PITA. The key is to not have too much air going through them. Many peopla have all the air going into their skimmer going through the air dryer and then ozonizer. Not good.
all except the hair dryer. I keep that away from the tank as to avoid electrocution.
instead I use an air drier. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6270417#post6270417 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spyro
I read on the Ref Chemistry Forum that a guy named "Boomer" who seems to know a lot about Ozone, recommends a .5 mg/gal sized ozone generator. He also recommends a hair dryer since not using one could damage the unit.

Does this jive with what everyone is using?

Maybe a "AIR DRIER" not a hair Dryer
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6270463#post6270463 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spyro
So what does everyone use as a "standard" doseage for ozone:
.5 mg or 1mg per gallon per hour ?

I have ORP controller; once it reaches between 360-390 it shuts off the Ozene generator.

With reagard to the Air Drier there is plenty of info right on this thead with details on how to build your own.


I am planning to get a generator, drier, and a separate air pump
to run the generator/drier. I already have an Octopus controller and plan to use it to shut off the generator wqhen the ORP gets too high

Again, can anyone recommend the "generally accepted" dosage of ozone per gallon of water?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6270427#post6270427 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LittleBlueGT
I have a Red-Sea 250 mg/hr ozonizer with their 500 mg/hr air dryer. Recharged beads last about 2 weeks in my set-up. Not too much of a PITA. The key is to not have too much air going through them. Many peopla have all the air going into their skimmer going through the air dryer and then ozonizer. Not good.


I alos plan to use a controller, but I am tryong to balance cost against efficacy. If I can use a smaller unit than 1000, 500, or 250 mg per gallon, I would rather do that than get an oversized unit.

Any recommendations?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6270492#post6270492 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vmichael
I have ORP controller; once it reaches between 360-390 it shuts off the Ozene generator.

With reagard to the Air Drier there is plenty of info right on this thead with details on how to build your own.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6270423#post6270423 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Big E follow how to run reefs 15-20 years ago & I'll do what works in 2005 & I didn't throw "EVERYTHING" Theil wrote out the window........just the info posted about air dryers & ozone.

The technnology & information available is far superior....reefers have learned a few new things along the way......yeah the bible was a BAD analogy.

Wow! somoebody is touchy!
I guess I brought " it" up because people were making reference to the Red Sea-250 . AD?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6260457#post6260457 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kenfuzed
Anyone know where I can find ozone proof air line fittings? I have my ozone tube Teed into my skimmer airline, but the plastic Tees I've been using become clogged and crumble after a month. I bought automotive vacuum tees thinking they would be stronger but they don't last.


did you find any O3 proof fittings?

My JG and barb fittings from HD last about 1-3 months. Then they crumble.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6270028#post6270028 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bayondai
Can you get a better pic of the cup? that is on top of the collection cup or can you explain what it is a little better?

Left my camera at work but if you go to and look at the skimmers you will see it. It is basically another piece of acryllic tubing on top of the collection cup lid and then has another lid on top of that. All is does is store carbon to help more with the skimmate odor than the ozone odor. I used to just throw a bag of carbon on top but couldn't stand looking at it so I had him build this for me.
Wow! somoebody is touchy!
I guess I brought " it" up because people were making reference to the Red Sea-250 . AD?

Touchy?, not at all. I posted a few links with good factual info from a chemist with 30 years of ozone experience...... with the thought of helping a poster asking questions.

You decided to pick out my blurb about the Theil reference & comparing his works to the bible. This did nothing to further the thread, have any redeeming value, nor have anything to do with Red Sea units. I find that laughable, useless board clutter.

I'll leave it at that so I don't add more to the clutter.
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