Thumbs up for Ozone!

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shred5, do you not use an airdryer? Not really important, but I don't want to "hose" my unit unneccessarily (not as if that is the intention) but I might find a more suitable application someday (:wildone:)

Is there an estimate for a conversion of O3 with and without airdryer? Something rough? Like a 200mg max 03 unit w/o airdryer will make 50-100mg 03? Would this figure remain stable, or would I end up with a 200 mg unit making 2 mg in 3 years?

I know it is a ballpark (or imagine so), but thanks in advance. I guess without an airdryer, but with a controller, I should margin to safety and use the unit as if there was an airdryer if I hook it up.

As you can tell, I'm in no rush to do this, but the water clarity thing and the light benefit has me curious (everyone knows about curiosity --KEEP THE CATS AWAY FROM THE TANK)! :dance:

One other thing that worries me about 03, and it is perhaps my greatest difficulty ever regarding minireef sharing "it's" level of difficulty with temperature, nitrate.

I've read that 03 can because of nature increase Nitrate. Can anyone tell me why or how?

I have not run ozone in years and I used the older sanders type... It did not seem to affect the life of them.. They could be taken apart and cleaned.. I do not know if it would affect the life of a corona discharge type....

As far as lower production Depending on humididty, I think it was between a 20 to 30 percent loose.. Dont quote me on that though that was a long time ago.. The new generators might have different technology and may react different...

Maybe someone else could better answer that .. Or maybe if someone emailed red sea they could give a better answer...

But I am interested .. I might start running a small amount of ozone in my new system......

Thanks, yeah, I don't know if there is anyway to open let alone the unit I have, hmm let me look at it (I forgot what kind I have :D). Hehe, ok that was fun. I have the Aquazone 200mG unit. There's 4 screws on the bottom, but, I don't want to open it. I imagine not to go too off-topic, that there is nothing serviceable inside. Ah what the coin. Let me find a screwdriver, I'm not that defunct. :D
Well, hmm just hmm. I opened it up, and what do I see? One of the wires to what I assume is the 03 thingie is not connected. :mad: There is a chipboard, I assume for the control and metering of the unit, and it "buckled out of place and the wire with it. Seemingly the wire is connected with sleeve.

There are two objects in the unit which presumably make the 03, together, or apart for the 200mg unit, but I don't know which is which. It would take more than me to be able to repair (more than a loose wire at least) or clean the unit. I'm not even sure where the 03 is made for certain.

I wonder if this wire was loose from the factory, or if it happened in storage?
corona type reactors can have new electrodes put in if they are designed for it. But i dont think that manufactures waste their time on this with any unit that costs less than a few thousand dollars.

The electrodes are platinum and create a "mini lightning bolt" between the electrodes which excites O2 and forms O3 (symplistic explanation).... In theory platinum is very inert and should not oxidize, but in actuality it slowly does so the electrodes degrade over time... If there is water in the "air" akak humidity it will decrease the efficency because this will hinder the formation of the ozone, but some will still be made.

as for what % decrease??? i dont know it would be proportional to the %humidity flow rate, etc... because the flow rate of air past the electrodes also effect the amount of ozone that you make.
Symplistic? Is that like kynetyc energy? :D j/k. Simple is best. I mentioned, fwiw, something like that as an argument why not to use 03. The more devices in the "chain" the more devices is all, the chain in theory is still the same length, or gets to the same place. Inversely, if there are multiple things that can go wrong, the chance of any one thing bringing down the entire system could be lessened. Ie. in the case of water clarity or pathogens using both a UV and O3.

I like the lightening synthesis idea. Let's watch out for the copepod raining. :D

Thanks for the explanation.
Holy lightening seeds. I hooked up my 03 reactor, and the entire room I'm in smells like the shore! Ok maybe a wharf after the boats are in. I swear, ugh. I have the unit set to a hair above 5-percent too. Is it in my head, or am I smelling O3 in the room?

At 5% on my unit that's about 10 Mg of O3 entering my skimmer (Aqua C 1000). I don't have carbon on the output at the moment, because I didn't think I'd even need it, and when I did put carbon in there before without plans to use 03, the carbon blew out, lol.

So should I be smelling 03 you think? It's a pretty big room. TIA. Any chance my "control" for the unit is broken, ie. stuck at full blast of 200 Mg per hour or something?
How long do the ORP probes last for the ORP monitor/controllers? Is an ORP probe included with the Red Sea combo ozonizer/controller units?
I don't smell ozone when running it. Even if I am working right next to the skimmer. I would check to make sure the O3 is making it into the skimmer with nothing leaking out. If you exhaust any air from the skimmer top you might need to put some carbon there but I don't think you should need it.

How big is your tank? FWIW I only use about 40mg on 280 gallons of water.
200 gallon + 20 in a sump, and 20 in a refuge, so 240 gallons total. Yes the Aqua C pushes a ton of air out and that is where the scent is strongest. Makes my nose itch. Smells a bit like pepper.

I don't think I'm going to run it much, or a lot unless I can keep my nitrates 0. I have the skimming power without the O3 (although I know that is not the only reason to use it) to keep my tank healthy, I think. We'll see.

I think I already see a marked difference in clarity, after only a couple hours actually, and at the low level (without air dryer too) of O3.

ORP probes last around 12 to 18 months reefkeeper1.
fish100 said:
[ and when I did put carbon in there before without plans to use 03, the carbon blew out, lol.


That was a funny! Right? You really didn't put carbon inside of your skiimer did you?
If an ozone generator is rated at 200 mg/h or say 300 mg/h or whaterever rating...

How can one measure its performance to see its running optimally?

Place the ORP probe in a glass of water and check the reading in 1 hour????
It's funny now, and yes, it really happened. LOL The carbon was put (by me) inside a carbon chamber on top of a waste collector. Finally, I think I have an idea, put the carbon inside a bag.
the skimmer I have (redsea) has a second cup for carbon that sits on top of the skimmate cup.

One thing I noticed the other day is that ORP will drop about 20 points when I feed the fish, then it will bounce back up again.
the skimmer I have (redsea) has a second cup for carbon that sits on top of the skimmate cup.

One thing I noticed the other day is that ORP will drop about 20 points when I feed the fish, then it will bounce back up again.
vmichael said:
If an ozone generator is rated at 200 mg/h or say 300 mg/h or whaterever rating...

How can one measure its performance to see its running optimally?

Place the ORP probe in a glass of water and check the reading in 1 hour????

if you could get your hands on some potassium iodide you can test it that way... otherwise you are pretty much SOL

As for the smell... my buddy had the same thing for the first couple of days that he was running his ozonizer... until it broke in that is... i doubt it is really a big deal or that it is leaking or anything
vmichael said:
If an ozone generator is rated at 200 mg/h or say 300 mg/h or whaterever rating...

How can one measure its performance to see its running optimally?

Place the ORP probe in a glass of water and check the reading in 1 hour????

if you could get your hands on some potassium iodide you can test it that way... otherwise you are pretty much SOL

As for the smell... my buddy had the same thing for the first couple of days that he was running his ozonizer... until it broke in that is... i doubt it is really a big deal or that it is leaking or anything
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