Thumbs up for Ozone!

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Mazzei venturis offer an efficient and reliable way to inject virtually any liquid or gas into water. Widely used for the injection of air, oxygen and ozone. When installed properly, injectors can transfer ozone into water with efficiencies as high as 99 percent. These venturi injectors are made of PVDF KynarÃ"šÃ‚® and are ozone compatible. All venturis include a 1/4" barbed ozone safe check valve. Maximum operating pressure is 400 psi. Made in USA.
vmichael said:
Here is a great link to some accurate information on ozone safe properties of materials. Use this guide instead of "hear say".

Thanks for that link. I've been looking for something like that for quite some time. My problem is the o-ring in the union (quick-release) on my MR-6 skimmer has stopped keeping a good seal after a few months of ozone use. I contacted Andy at MRC and he said the Spears unions use Buna-N o-rings, which are not ozone safe and that an EPDM o-ring would be ok. I can now confirm that after reading through the link you just posted. I was confused because I thought I had read somwhere that the Buna-N was ozone safe and the EPDM was not.
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UPDATE! Reactor stopped working.
At 1st I thought it was the Enaly (it wasn't).
Then after further investigation it turned out that back pressure from the reactor was stopping the air from entering the chamber. Then I thought the injector was messed up.

kept on investigating and ..

Bottom line:

The Ozone reactor was too big for the pump being used.
I needed a quick solution so.


I ran the mazzei into the bottom of the sump pointing up and connected it to the Aquaclear 4000 pump. I placed over the mazzei a clear piece of 4" PVC tubing (about 8" long with cap on the top side and open on the bottom. (The tube rests over the mazzei and ozone is injected into the tube).

I can now see millions of bubbles entering the tube, but no bubbles are escaping from the bottom.of the tube Since the entire thing is submersed in the water I can only assume that all the bublbles are getting saturated with the water in the tube before exiting through the bottom.

Yes, the pump is working otherwise the venturies would not be working.
I just installed my ozone generator, and need some ideas on how to install a air carbon filter on my euro reef skimmmer.

My girlfriend can't stand the smell of the 03 combined with fish crap.

if you have room, you might want to get a redsea berlin turbo and use that as a second skimmer. Your euro would be regular and the berlin would be essentially an ozone reactor. that is basically what I am doing and the water is crystal clear. Plus the redsea unit is made for use with ozone and you can order the air filter (you can get them to send it to you for free if you buy a berlin skimmer) to sit on top.
I'm afraid that wouldn't work for me, since my cabinet and sump is already full.

I know there are those handys reefers out there that have a ER skimmer running ozone.
I purchased 2 Enalys just over a month ago. I've not had nor have I heard any complaints about them.
I purchased 1 with a pump and 1 without the pump. I prefer the 1 without the pump since I'm using a venturi into the reactor.
I only paid $40.00 for each. They are rate at 200 mg; can't beat that!

I'm a DIY freak so I've just finished my 3rd reactor design and this one seems to be working the best.

My current ORP readings are at
REDOX 7:00 10:00 15:00 19:00 22:00
366 362 360 358 351

Every time I put my hands in the tank I can see the ORP go down and it takes about 6 hours for it to start to climb up again. Same thing happens when I clean up.
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