Twiggy B's 225g build

haha. yea I prolly woulda turned my 225 salty by now if it wasnt for Jill,but I do love my Cichlids. When youve had a fish from 1-2 inches thats 8-9 inches now you get attached. =P
I keep lookin at your tank and already thinking your rite I should have kept mine lol

Haha, this tank didn't happen over night. It took me a few years to get it up and going because of the cost of everything. It's still not even complete, I need some powerheads strong enough for this tank.
Haha yep unless somethin different falls in my lap with a trade a cube is where im headed! The nano just isnt going to cut it lol
Nother update, in between times, last week I had a poly filter get sucked up and flood my system, but think we got it under control now. Things were running too smooth, so something was bound to happen to keep it real


not sure what this broke off of, hoping it's a piece of the efflo I lost, but probably part of my bottlebrush from Hershel

That clam is gorgeous. Along with everything else. :)

What kind of camera lens are you using?

I've got a Canon T3i. It's driving me a bit nuts knowing I'm eventually going to drop even more cash on a macro lens. :facepalm:
Thanks John, I thought about naming my starry blenny after you ;)

Jmh, thanks, I have the t2i and used my 100mm macro for most of those shots.
That is a beautiful clam Twigs,time to come off it I think...

Seriously though things are looking damn good.