Want to ride with me through my 58g setup ?

Lunchbucket said:
yeah where are the updates (as i haven't updated my thread in a LONG time :lol:)

can we start a 58gal club. we have some seriously nice 58's running around here

Start one and I'll jump right in .;) I'm no leader , just a close follower .:D
well , I did frrag the heck out of my purple formosa . I still want to frag it to a knub . It grows to fast for a little tank .:eek2:
MacnReef said:
Any updates now? :lol:


:eek2: :eek1: :rolleyes: :D :lol:
Joe, you have great willpower to be able to make this change. Glad you will now have more time for what is most important in your life. I hope to see you keeping an all sps tank again in the future.
Thanks everyone for the concern , nothing happened in the tank . all corals are in local homes , I even have a few at Atlantis Marine world .:D

First reason , with an all sps tank I worry about it like I do my kids . 1 wife , 2 kids and 2 dogs is too much for me to have to think about .:lol:

Second reason , LIPA our local electricity supplier is just getting crazy with it's prices .

Third reason, a 58 g tank is way to small for SPS's they were growing way to fast .:D

The funny part is if you look at my first post , this was were I wanted to be from the start .:cool:

New lights are T-5's and VHO actinics .
Travis said:
Joe, you have great willpower to be able to make this change. Glad you will now have more time for what is most important in your life. I hope to see you keeping an all sps tank again in the future.

Thanks Travis ,

I will be , When the kids are out of the house .:lol: And I move off Long Island to where I can afford the electricity .;)
I can appreciate the switch. Your priorities are in the right place.

Your tanks in the past were my favorites of all time. I'm interested to see what you can accomplish with the new setup.

good set of priorities! you had an amazing tank and i'm sure this one will be nice too.

i worry about my SPS and tank like it was a baby too :D
