Hey Mark, how's the upgrade coming?
Hey wazzel have you found a relationship between power and par in your tank?
Looks like I need to either change salt or source another vendor. My LFS is having issues with his instant ocean destributor and will not be getting anymore. He carries tropical marine. I am concerned changing will cause an issue. I think I can pick up at one of the big box pet stores, but would rather continue to give my business to the local guy.
Thoughts? I just it his last 200 gal box of reef crystals so not in a bind.
I try to give my business to the little/local guy as well....unless doing so negatively impacts my system. I'm loathe to mix or change salts personally, especially after reading all of the horror stories where folks changed salt mixes and things went bad.
Tranh from Tidal Gardens made a post here on RC several years ago that has stuck with me....
"My wallet is not a charity for local businesses."
I'm willing to spend a little more for a product that my LFS carries vs ordering it online in order to ensure he stays in business. But if they stop carrying a product I use regularly and really dont want to change/stop using, (such as a particular salt mix), I'd start getting it elsewhere.
Obviously, that is just my opinion and worth exactly what you paid for it....
Considering that stability is one of the reasons your reef has done better than most, and that you rely on water changes to exchange the minerals and such rather than dosing stuff, I think you would be wise to reconsider changing salt mixes. Tropic Marin is supposed to be good stuff - in fact I think a lot of mixes are much better than Reef Crystals, but changing when you don't have to in your system setup is inviting disaster.
Sort of. I mapped out the power vs par for each channel for one location in my tank just to get a feel of how they are related. From that information I was able to make a spread sheet to estimate power output of the fixture. I have not tied it back to an estimate of par. Doubt it would be hard to do if I took a couple of key location and tied it back to the power values. The relationship is linear so not hard to do at all.
These is the results table of what I measured.
Wazzel, I'm sorry, but this study and did the hydra 52 correct? For the hydra 26 may not be similar?
The 60 has developed two issues. I got aiptasia real bad on my clam and my chalice is stinging everything around it. For the chalice I am trying to frag and sell, but it is not moving. I may have to frag and recycle, not my preference since I really dislike killing heathy corals on purpose. But it has already done a number on my green acro and is starting to hit my raspberry lime aid hyacinthus. For the aiptasia I have started attacking it with an manjo wand. The wand works but it is labor intensive and you need to stay on it every few day or any progress is lost. Last weekend I added a copper band butterfly to see if I can get a biological means of control to help me out. The hope was it would not get to this point and I could deal with it during the transfer, but we all know how long that is taking.
A copperband or filefish is the best option, so you're on the right path. I lose a lot of attraction for a coral when it kills other corals personally. Ive thrown a lot of Hollywood stunner away to keep it from killing corals...