What does a Red bug Infestation look like?


New member
well, for some reason, almost all my acros are STN/RTN. My mike paletta blue is suffering most from it and then a mint table and then my tricolor. So far hasn't spread to my bonsai or oregon tort. Just need some pics to see what a red bug infestation looks like cause I dunno what I should be looking for? Thanks in advance to any who can help me.:)
Redbugs generally result in loss of color and polyp extension, not really tissues loss.

From your description, I'd think more acro eating flat worms.
I agree. Red bugs never made my corals stn/rtn.

If it's the aefw's you'd better get on it quick. There are pictures of their eggs on this board somewhere.
I have heard of some acros RTNing and STNing, but only after they had gone untreated for sometime. I'm talking many months. I've gone 6 months with out treating for redbugs and no other ill effect other than color and polyp extention.

Here is a picture of them; I got this picture from another thread on RC, but forgot to write down who took it. Definately one of the best redbug pictures I have seen.

they will start to rtn/stn if the infestation gets to heavy and the corals are constantly aggitated. just go at any acro's that are being affected to look for tiny yellow or orange dots that are moving. if you see them you have red bugs, if not check your parameters and also dip a coral to check for flatworms.
Ok so its not redbugs then I think its AEFW, actually I know its AEFW. How do I fix this problem? is there any medication I can put into the tank to get rid of them???
How many acros do you have and how encrusted are they? I just treated my 125 with ~55 colonies/frags and lost nearly all of them in the Levamisole treatment. Many have said that they have had little to no losses in the treatment, but I'm not sure if they tried to treat the whole tank or just as preemptives on new additions. Several others started treating all of their acros around the time I was and had similar results in the beginning, but I haven't heard how it has gone for them since. You have to remove all encrustation and colonies/frags from your main tank and treat to get them all. It is a four or five week treatment, too. SOme have had luck with blasting them off the corals with a baster and letting their fish eat the AEFW's, but this is not a solution if you plan to trade/sell (unless you let the person know you have them in the tank so they can treat them before entering them into thier tank-though everyone should treat before adding to their tanks...). Some have had luck with certain wrasses (Hawaiian Christmas wrasses, yellow coris wrasses, leopard wrasses, etc.), but that would not guarantee that there are none in the system in regards to trades and sales. Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure is supposed to be the drug of choice right now. SOme are pulling all of their acros out and reloacting them to a separate tank, then treating in smaller containers (15 minute treatments). I am anxiously awaiting the delivery of my two bottles;). We haven't found an end all solution for these nasties like we seem to have for red bugs. No in tank treatments have been successful yet, that I am aware of, anyway. Some have tried 20X FWE treatments without great success...