What Going On in Your System Today?


Tweeker reefing huh Mooch?

Well this morning i woke up with no power....... called PGNE. they knew about problem were on it blah blah.. came back on in about about. I had buckets ready to go. Since thier sitting here maybe a waterchange? lol.................
Lost 2/3rd of my WV's colony... even though all the Honets (Red/Purples and others ) beside that colony was not affected nor impacted.
Whaaaat ? Wow, now I don't feel bad at all knowing what you two are dealing with.

650, was your loss due to the outage as well?

nah... it's probably remnants of the move. That was one of the most hardy polyps i've owned. Can take FW, Hydroxide, Furan dips without flinching.
Nah, tank is just sitting in the corner of the town home... I ended up bringing it with me when I moved as the wife didn't want me spending all that money and time to just toss it away. But I'm no longer active in the scene, but just drop in from time to time when I have breaks at work or not doing anything at home. Home the chiller is working like a champ for you bud.

Don't have that UMPH for reefing much nor dealing with all the hype or price thing anymore....
Nah, tank is just sitting in the corner of the town home... I ended up bringing it with me when I moved as the wife didn't want me spending all that money and time to just toss it away. But I'm no longer active in the scene, but just drop in from time to time when I have breaks at work or not doing anything at home. Home the chiller is working like a champ for you bud.

Don't have that UMPH for reefing much nor dealing with all the hype or price thing anymore....

Yep hear you on that. Chiller is running like a champ - thanks again for being willing to ship it cross-country.
pretty awesome thread ;)

so here's my as of, update...

added my second purple tang to the 2nd tank of my system yesterday... and I am trading for 4+ polyps of Purple Hornets, tonite or tomorrow, as well as picking up a nice pearlberry acro frag at the same time :beer:

again, very cool thread!
Good thread, always interesting to hear what others are doing. yesterday I took out everything in my sump and used the wet/dry to suck out all the detritus and do my water change that way. Been probably 6 months since I did that and it was gross. Today I switched dry sides on an mp10 and changed one of my t-5 bulbs. I did another bulb 2 weeks ago and if I remember next week I'll do another one. I also placed 3 acro frags. I didn't really want any more sps, but I went to a swap last week and the guy was giving them away...
Installed a JBJ auto top of unit, and a JBJ 150w electronic heater system with controller. I also ordered an Aqua Illumination 2 light system with controller and everything but the actual lights came in.. Bummer... one week behind the other stuff. I got the light controller but no lights yet. Added a Neon Dottyback and various other corals yesterday after trolling the LFS in the area. This hobby cost more than my lady...LoL
I cleaned out my refugium. I had tons of coralline which encrusted the glass and I am a little A-retentive about seeing into my fug, so I spent the morning scrapping. What do you guys/gals have going on in your system?

I added my homemade-suicide-proof-net on my rimless nano tank


whats happening with my tanks? hmmm let me see .... on Saturday took down the 10 gal nano in my daughters room and moved my old display 56 tall in ... set up the 10 gal as a bare bottom frag tank...Sunday went to the reef shop and picked up a Eshopps s-150 cone skimmer for the 56 ..... Monday drained down the 120 gal rr tank that was housing some community fw fish got rid of the fish , re stacked all the rock and popped in 60 lbs of sand drug some hose from the laundry room to the kitchen so i can let my r/o unit fill the tank... today waiting on the r/o to finish filling the tank so i can wash some clothes and trying to figure out how to cram my asm g-3 into my sump and 29 gal sps system now full of a bunch of stuff till i get my other tanks ready and the peppermint shrimp are done with eating the aptasia off the remaining corals before they go back into the 56. ill share a few pics

pep eating aptasia

29 gal full of misc

120 slowly filling with R/O

10 gal frag tank
Going to do my waterchange tonight late as always when the wife is sleeping. Also going to pick up some extremly rare zoa frag called Golden Empires that were just imported into the US. They look similar to darth mauls but with a nice golden sheen to them. Can't wait!
update on the 120 ........ adjusting the salinity its still a bit low, installed a 400 watt halide on a magnetic ballast xm 20k bulb , its center mounted, the ballast is a loner from the reef shop i work at . crammed the asm g-3 skimmer into the sump and transferred the bio pellet reactor from the old fuge that was on the 56. the water is a bit cloudy due to the power heads stirring up the settlement from the sand will clear up in a few days and i will get some pics up. I wish Kessiel will hurry up with their A-350's . i love the a-150s but are not going to provide amount of light i am looking at for a SPS dominated tank