who has the biggest gigas clam?

have not tried and don't want any releases in my system
there's tons more than what you've read, sorry. at fertilization they are .1 mm, sperm is released 1st, then the eggs, you'll need toi supply zooanth's , time is something you haven't taken into consideration.
no 100% isn't your goal, but success is much more likely put at a tiny fraction of 1%
pls list your tank inhabitants.

I have read the Clam manual, all of what you just mentioned. I read a couple other articles online that i could find several months back and just today the ones that i posted.

Just so that some confusion is settled, to do this i would have a seperate tank to harvest the clams, to isolate them baby eggs from being eaten till they are old enough to move around (size of some snails, maybe a little smaller).

What i have in my tank are:
Sheildhead Nudibranch
about 10 damsels (3 dif species)
Maroon Clown
2 "sharks" (look more like catfish) brackish water type
Signal Goby
Pink shrimp Goby
Mandrin Goby
Blood red fire shrimp
Cleaner shrimp
General Starfish
Serpent Starfish
couple sand sifting star fish

Thats all i can think of off the top of my head...
BlueScreenOfDeath already have a thread on breeding clams. I think we are getting way off topic here. Lets get back on topic
took some pics yesterday, and wanted to update.



i spooked it!


derasas and hippopus


how much do gigas' grow a year? i want one for my 75 but dont want it to outgrow my tank lol.

i think an even bigger concern would be if you can even find one. i haven't even seen one online for YEARS. best bet would be to find one from a fellow reefer.
starfish wasn't the problem, i was apparently. sometimes, when i get up close to the glass he closes up like that. guess i'm scary looking :eek:
scapes, i love those "tiny" derasas. is that a sideways hippopus?
ive always been tempted to get one, but they also get big, right, and don't have much mantle, right?
ty and yes that is my sideways hippopus! he keeps falling over....stupid clam :)

get one, they're pretty cool. i will say though, that they're not the prettiest things but they are still cool nonetheless. i had one that i bought last year, it lived a year and it just passed :( but in that time, i don't think it grew at all. you won't find a big one. I just bought one from LA and it was a tad bigger than the one that just died. may be 2.5"? mine never stayed on rocks, loved the sand and would actually bury itself into the sand. and no, it's mantle doesn't come out. actually i can't recall even seeing one.
I have had this gigas for about 3+ years. for scale, my tank is 30" wide. it doesn't have PM... just a fish nip a couple days ago.

So did you keep it under VHOs or move to MH?

some update pics:

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/kStEr96LQbK38Tzjl8ne8A?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_XXHxgvzp2b0/TVCTGUrXJdI/AAAAAAAAAdQ/LxTVKyjSCKQ/s800/IMG_2481.JPG" height="480" width="640" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/englishdaniel/BestTanksPics?feat=embedwebsite">best tanks pics</a></td></tr></table>

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/kBybbM_N7PdwfIE7SNrpGg?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_XXHxgvzp2b0/TVCQap7huTI/AAAAAAAAAcc/YYmSvG0NR7g/s800/DSC09038.JPG" height="536" width="800" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/englishdaniel/BestTanksPics?feat=embedwebsite">best tanks pics</a></td></tr></table>
Under 4x 110W (48 inch) VHO fluorescent bulbs. PAR reading with Apogee meter is 115-130 at the mantle (clam is at the bottom of a 30" deep 110 gallon tank), number ranges depending on bulb life, etc. It takes A LOT of 2 part solution to keep the ALK over 7 and the Calcium over 400, but the lights seem to be fine. Almost 1 " growth since september, or around there? Its hard to say with new algae growth on the shell but once i picked it up to check underneath and a section of the shell protected from light looked like it had at least 1" growth.

I am actually setting up a new tank (92 corner) for the clam because it is almost too big for my 18" wide tank. I am planning on sticking with the VHO until I move to LED. MH causes too much heat.