Who wants a cheap, simple, Arduino-based LED controller?

katchupoy, PM me with question. I am still trying to find time for my Hydra and Typhoon, but I do C for a living. So if you problem is how to structure you code let me know and I will try and help. I have not delved into this code so specifics I kind of have to guess at :)
Is anyone using the usb bub on win xp? If so are you also using the drivers from ftdichip.com? Im getting an upload error and trying to isolate weather the issue is the driver,bub,or typhon board.
I will be ordering Typhon boards tomorrow, unless someone already has a pending order, or already has a spare.

Parts are all here. Just need the board.

So ... I will have a "few" spares.

Been playing with system on a breadboard, and have already been tweaking the software to fit my needs.

This is FUN !!!
I am also looking to purchase a board if someone has an extra. I would also consider purchasing a completed unit if someone was looking to sell one.
Questions re: Ordering Typhon Boards

Questions re: Ordering Typhon Boards

Had planned to order them on Friday, but a few things got in the way. Will definitely order in the next day or two. Looks like $28 for 10 boards, plus a small shipping fee.

I plan to order from IteadStudio. However, need a bit of advice.

5 of the 10 boards come "electronically tested". If I want them all "tested" there is an additional $10 charge. My question --- Is it worth the extra $$ for the "testing". I plan to use 3 or 4 boards for myself, and share the others.

Looking for advice from those who have "been there, done that".

This whole microprocessor based project stuff is really cool to me. I purchased an Uno just to be able to play. I've breadboarded most of the project, and made bunch of tweaks to the software.

Fun to watch the little leds on my breadboard change intensity. Also cool to fake the time, so that 24 hours occurs in about 5 minutes.

Added support for DS18B20 Temp Sensor.

Added a "Minimum" intensity value. I plan to keep my blue leds on at a minimum value at all times.

Tweaked the ramp-up / ramp-down code so that the whole going past midnight joy works for all the test cases i could conjure.

Added a menu option to view all the settings for a channel at one time.

Anyway - still just getting started.

I have power supplies and drivers, but still need to order my LEDs :thumbdown

Also building a Hydra for my "big" tank.
I don't think I would spend the extra $10 dollars. They all went through the same process chances are if 5 are good all they all will be. Also the board is not so complicated you can't do a visual check.

Of course this is only MHO
I think I've got everything needed on order. I just need a board. If someone has extras, please let me know.
Also, if anyone is gathering parts, don't overlook ebay. there are some good deals there. I saw an LCD for $3.49 shipped, Real TIme Clock for $2.85 shipped, cheap pin headers etc.
This project looks great. I've built most of it on a breadbroad, now going to take the plunge on getting a board, finalize it and build it into my cabinet.
Is there anyway this could be put in laymans terms. I tried to paste the google code into the arduino program and got alot of errors with it. I have never messed with something like this, can some on write the arduino book for dummies.
Heres what I get when I try to upload the typhon code in arduino.
Seems that my playing with the Typhon code on an UNO board has led to a small issue. The DS18B20(s) that I've been playing with are using the only available pin, which is 17 (aka analog 3). That pin is delightfully not brought out anywhere on the Typhon board.

The "bailing wire and duct tape" method of just adding a wire to the pin on the chip will work, then making a little wire harness with power, ground, and a resistor in it. But I'm wondering if someone smarter than me could tweek the board design to add a little 3-wire header that has pins 1 and 3 tied to ground, with pin 2 tied to (1) a 4.7k resistor then 5v and (2) to the appropriate pin on the AVR.

1 - GND

2 - pin on AVR
- 4.7k - 5V

3 - GND
coreyg - you are just missing the libraries for button (and maybe some others).

there is a comment up near the top of the code telling you where to get them.

just put them in the libraries folder, the restart the ide, and everything should work.
I had the libraires that were mentioned, I put them in the library folder in the audrino program. And what is the ide? yeah noob.
sorry - ide - integrated development environment. Know as the Arduino compiler/debugger/downloader. Did you put each of the libraries in its own folder?.

ie ... button.cpp and button.h should be in a folder button in the libraries folder.

also -- scroll up in the error log window to see the first errors.

the highlighted text is never where the error occurs

using the line numbers on the error message, you can move your cursor in the program until the line number in the bottom left of the program window matches the line number in the error message to see a little more about what might have happened.

the error you are seeing is being caused by the compiler not being able to find the libraries.
Ok I figured it out. When I down loaded button and EEPROMVar I created a new folder for each of them, so I unzipped them into those folders. Then I moved those folder into the arduino library, well it dosn't work that way I removed them and just moved the unzipped folder in each one into the arduino library. Now for the eagle program how do I put the typhon files into that to view them. I tried to copy and paste, save target as. Nothing was working.
Ok I figured out how to open them in eagle. They need to change the title of this thread to who want a cheap,head scratching, complicated for the normal non c++ certified person arduino based controller. Is there anyway someone can post a parts list of what is needed, and some pics of what it looks like assymbled. This would have been a awsome thread if it would have been finished.
in the same place you got the files for the typhon board, there is a file typhon_bom.xlsx

It is the Bill Of Materials (bom) in an excel spreadsheet

We are, after all, a bunch of hobbyists, playing with this stuff to make it work.


I'm sure having fun with it.
yeah I got the list now and the parts are ordered except for the lcd screen. I didn't see a protoshield on the list, does all those parts go on the arduino board?
Anyone have any boards left?...PM me.... I have a 25 led setup that I would like to do this with also for the people who did this recently what was the total cost of the project?