We need clam pics (I'm pretty sure that's the first time I've ever said that to a guy)
OK OK, take it easy. no pitch forks please.
been super busy with advanced diving class, wife bailing on me on the weekend for a flight to another island so they can have a girls weekend AND taking my camera with her (my camera, ahem). ill take one soon. the clam is adjusting well, have him on a separate rock in the middle of the tank. I'm kind of waiting to fill in some blanks on the tank. when the wife walks by and says you need more corals, well that's a sign guys. I've been slow and selective on the restock, so the tank is not to its full glory yet. I know I know, kinda ironic, but hey....work with me.
That PH level still seems really bizarre to me. I certainly dont think you are lying...but even you must admit...that is definitely not in the range of what would be "normal".
Either way I want to say I am thankful for you sharing. This is an awesome thread! :beer:
yes, it threw me for a loop as well, but I'm really confident that the actual reading. I had three open calibration packs going(4/7/10)....I didn't bust out an old crusty probe and shot you some BS..... you're welcome, and I hope it is of some benefit.'
nice pics,just tagging along on your thread,are you limited to how much corals can you collect,very cool. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, I'm limited to how many I can fit in my tank :celeb2:
there's only a handful of us out here that are reefers. we self police quite a bit and to be honest, our impact is insignificant when you take into account all the boat anchors that are set on coral heads every weekend by boaters going scuba diving, etc. if you went out every single day and collected corals....your signature out here would be like spitting in a torrential downpour.
$250 will get you a "Judges Pass"
wifey shot me down....she knew where I was going with it.....one day!
double really?
triple really?
Simply amazing. I can't even imagine how awesome that must be to have a reef in your back yard. So if you make it back to the states, how depressed are you going to be when you are limited to the coral selction at your LFS and have to pay $80 for a frag?
dude, don't rain on my parade....can I live in my own fantasy world for awhile?
yes, I thought about it already. but for now, I'm living in the moment, and I'm not too sure when ill make it back to the US. we really enjoy the lifestyles out here, I'm making grand theft loot, the fam is happy and everyone waves at you when they ride by. it's like Mayberry meets Gilligan's island, 2011 remix. I might be old and gray when they kick me off this island. BTW I was building a cube, same dims before I got my marching orders to come here, good luck with your build, super fun dimensions.
This should be thread of the month
you're waaay too easy to impress.:hmm4: OK, I kid, joke. glad you enjoy the picks. I can assure you that the Marshall Islands are off the beaten path. I just want to share a slice of Oceana with everyone who is passionate about this hobby. I share the same sentiments with you.
Heads up..........I'm stepping up my fish collecting efforts, got some new nets I'm building, a new seine net, and some new monofilament coming in the mail soon. ill document this process as well, hope to have pics in the next few weeks. its gonna suck all the gorgeous angels you see out here....no can do in a reef tank. dont worry, tons of other fishes out here. interesting hitchhiker i found last dive..a baby 6-line wrasse, no bigger than my pinky nail.