+1 to the parts I have quoted.
Perhaps it is the photography which isnt showing it; but I dont see colourful corals. The SPS look brown, so in that regard, I completely agree with Joe that the corals do look brown.
I also agree that adding a couple of T5's will help colour up the SPS.
I also agree that the aquascape is VERY nice, the tank looks great overall.
Having said that, there are some tanks with PURE LED lighting that do have VERY nice SPS colours...the QUESTION is: Why arent more people having success?
My two favorite LFS's are have owners who are true hobbyists at heart. NEITHER have moved over to 100% LED for either for personal tanks or their shop display tanks.
One of them is Radium 20K fan, and told me having tried Radions over his home tank and over the shop display, wont be moving to LED's anytime soon. His shop display has a couple of Radiums with a Radion Pro in the middle.
The other guy runs T5's. In his shop display which is a beautiful 300G+ sized display, he runs 4 AI sol Blues, flanked by twin T5's. Colours are great.
My own view is that Spectrum wise, the likes of Radion Pro and AI Hydra 52's are now good enough...however IMO, the way the light is delivered to the corals, is what is causing most of the issues...that is; the narrow point source nature of the light are like hotspots.
The next area of research and improvement that needs to be taken by manufacturers like AI, GHL, Ecotech etc is NOT more gimmicks and features but should be in terms of better reflector design; less spotlighting and more diffuse like MH/T5. Yes a MH has a spotlight of strong PAR right beneath the bulb, but the huge reflectors send light in all different angles. T5's are great because of the diffuse nature of the combined effect of the T5 tubes and their reflectors.
Perhaps with the new 120degree lens from Ecotech is going to make some difference?