Zoanthids are they toxic?

Kevin, I am sorry to hear of your great loss. You must be so sad.
I feel for you.......:( . I hope you see better days soon. Your dog was very cute. Please accept my condolences.:sad2:
I am not a reef keeper myself,I keep freshwater at this point, but I found this thread linked on our board. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. That is an awful situation for you and your family, thanks for sharing your story with everyone, perhaps another tragedy can be avoided.
Oh, and BTW, for anyone who doesnt understand what 4 micrograms are.

Those advil pills you take are usually around 400 milligrams or so.

So take one hundredth of that pill and you have 4 milligrams.

A microgram is one thousandth of a milligram.

So take one thousandth of that 4 milligram tablet and you have a fatal dose of palytoxin.
Very sorry for your loss but glad I found this thread.

Have been using bare hands.

- 2 weekends ago I bought a rock with Zoanthids on them.
- ordered Aqua Gloves from MarineDepot last week, just got them yesterday.

Looking back, I can't believe I have been so careless; putting hands in tank with cuts and all.

Also sometimes I would suck the hose to start the siphon and some water would get in my mouth, etc. :eek: Didn't have listerine around at the time so I used the
Hydrogen Peroxide. Didn't read the instructions on that neither which say to dilute it first and I took it full strength and rinse mouth with it. :rolleyes: Later that day I had sore throat.

Again, thanks for sharing. This thread has been informative and wake up call for me to be more careful.

BTW, I got 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 toddler and a 3 month old baby.
And last but not least a beautiful wife. Cheers.
You have my very deepest sympathies for your loss.
Like many others posted here, I have handled zoanthids without due care, and even fragged them working on the kitchen table .
Thanks for the warning, I'll certainly take a lot more precautions in future.
was an autopsy proformed? I'm sure there is somone in the medical comunity thayt could actually create some good out of this situation. Another way you could turn this situation around is to adopt an old service dog (drug sniffing, bomb sniffing, or K-9 unit) and give it the love that it wouldn't be able to get if your dog had lived.

it is better to have loved and lost than to have never had a dog and a reef tank at all.:idea:
Man, sorry to hear about this. :( I have 3 dogs and 2 kids and have never really thought about the toxin level. I know when I have an open wound from just working around the tank, I do feel the sting from the corals. But I do ask (more like telling then commanding) my kids to wash their hands before and after sticking their hands in the tank or touching anything in the tank.
Sooo Sad

Sooo Sad

I am soo soo soo sorry for your loss. thanks for sharing your story with us. I'll sure be more careful from now on regardless of what I have in the tank.


Thanks for making those that read this thread safer, myself included. I love looking at my zoos and will frag them soon, but after reading your post, I'll take appropriate precautions. I'm one of those that would have thought "that won't happen to me" Next thing I know I'm dead.

Sorry to hear about your dog.

Thanks again.
kevin_kramer, just wanted to let you know I am a dog lover all the way, and I feel bad for you. I wanted to point out that I have now seen your thread on about five boards, and I thought you might like to know your loss is helping people to not suffer the same loss......since folks seemed to have passed your story around. As much as I love fish....when a dog is lost, it really tears me up. My beagle "norman" is 15 years old now, and I am fearful of how much longer he will get to be around. Anyway, thanks for sharing your story, and I'm sorry it happened to you.

I know they are toxic, but didn't realize just HOW toxic. This thread made me think about a few things, and first and foremost, this weekend, the door for the fishroom goes up. No more letting the dog wander into there, never know if there's a stray polyp laying around or a frag tray with toxin, I just can't imagine the pain you feel. I lost my last dog (10 yr olf boxer) last june and at least we kinda expected it, he was aging. Your situation is just tragic, and it's gotta hurt all that much more.

No greeting at the door, no knocking the stuff out of my arms, and no one to give that treat to.

I totally know that feeling, and a ton of bricks is exactly what if felt like the next day coming home from work. It does get better eventually, there will be other pups :) I know, we got our "Rocco", a 2 1/2 yr old boxer this past October. He's no replacement for Nero (our first boxer), but he's carved his own niche.... Knowing what I learned in this thread though I'm gonna be ALOT more careful with this around him, he's a mouther and loves to chew.....

Once again, my sincere condolences on the loss of a family member, and don't worry, it was not in vain. If anything, you provided enough incentive for me to get that door up, and work with gloves on my zoos from now on. My puppy would thank you if he could.....
Kevin,I am so sorry for your loss.I have lost two dogs and know they are part of the family and great friends.They don't hold grudges and don't care how much money you spend on your tank,they are awesome. I had no idea zoo's or any corals were that toxic.Again I am very sorry. Mike.
import of palythoa

import of palythoa

how can palythoa even be imported?i work at a pet store and the goverment restricts deadly reptiles,but in the marine hobby we can import one of the most toxic animals on the planet.i dont think it makes much sense!
Kevin, may I first offer my sympathy on your loss and then my thanks for posting this info. I like others, knew of some toxicity, but never relized it was like that. :eek2:

My 7yr. old dobie/lab sidekick is always with me, including helping in the fishroom. She loves looking at water flow in the sump and like all dogs, sticks her nose in everything. I will now be watching where she is sticking it.
So sorry about your loss, Kevin:( I'm so glad to be informed as I have a small pomeranian and a beautiful new grandaughter. Never know what kids and dogs will do. I may just take the few zoos I have out of the tank and return them to the LFS......

I hate to post this here. I lost my childhood dog a couple of years ago when he got hit by a car. We tried to save him and he had to have a leg removed but he just would not heal. I think he was just depressed.

My question, just so I know because this scared the crap out of me is this.
WHAT IS A ZOO? is that just a certain kind of coral or is it a reference to all coral. Sorry to make less of you situation kevin but I wan to know so that nothing like that happens to me.
Thanks and sorry again man.