Very sorry for your loss but glad I found this thread.
Have been using bare hands.
- 2 weekends ago I bought a rock with Zoanthids on them.
- ordered Aqua Gloves from MarineDepot last week, just got them yesterday.
Looking back, I can't believe I have been so careless; putting hands in tank with cuts and all.
Also sometimes I would suck the hose to start the siphon and some water would get in my mouth, etc.

Didn't have listerine around at the time so I used the
Hydrogen Peroxide. Didn't read the instructions on that neither which say to dilute it first and I took it full strength and rinse mouth with it.

Later that day I had sore throat.
Again, thanks for sharing. This thread has been informative and wake up call for me to be more careful.
BTW, I got 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 toddler and a 3 month old baby.
And last but not least a beautiful wife. Cheers.