285 gallon mixed reef


Unregistered Member
tank specs:

tank and sump-
285gallon 3/4" cast acrylic with 2 corner overflows, black back (72"x30"x30")
120gallon sump/refugium (48"x24"x24")

main tank - 72" PFO solaris I4 fixture (coming in june/july, 48" solaris for now)
fuge- 24" nova extreme 4x 24w t5's

protein skimmer: precision marine bullet xl2

also dosing vodka in a nitrate remover. :p

i will upload pictures later for you guys.

thanks for watching
here's some pictures i uploaded i will list livestock later... the list is so long.

current lighting


been keeping this one for 5 months now (and counting) not full polyp extension in the picture

acan maxima (top)

goldeneyed watermelon chalice
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fts, not recent

cinnamon palys

ORA duncans

clowns and frogspawn, with eggs at the base of the frogspawn

scolly, in normal light

it is a mixed reef in my plans, but i have not started to stock sps as of yet. next week, i plan on bringing home a tricolor. a good 5" piece to start off the sps stocking :)
thanks... :) water is a bit yellow... havent been running skimmer (scary, i know) just changed about 40 gallons on monday.
i plan on keeping a detailed jounrnal on SPS growth. :) starting with a rose mili, green mili, and evergreen tort, so far, they all have had full polyp extension everyday, but that's all i got on the light for now.:D
ummm. only been using it a couple months. :) i will keep you guys updated. i take pictures almost daily now.

call me abe btw
k, i took a new fts your you guys.


just started skimming, and the skimmate is nasty...

sorry if the shot isn't that clear, and for some reason the picture is small...
got some SPS today that i will keep a very close eye on for growth. one colony of tricolor 5" across. only fifty bucks :) . another colony of pink catspaw, also 5" across, and also fifty bucks. the catspaw has an acro crab, so that's pretty cool i guess. also added an orange shoulder tang. pictures tomorrow, when lights turn on
some pictures. tried to get the orange shoulder, but he found a cave and got cozy in it. and i have not gotten a tricolor picture that does the coral justice yet.

coral in the fuge (baby goni, off my big one)

heres a shot where you can see the tank in the room it's in

skimmer shots


three days of skimmate... its completely opaque, and im still playing around with the skimmer

another fuge picture, that i submitted for POTM on nano-reef

forgot an fts

oh, an acro crab in some catspaw i got. you can kind of see a claw of his in the middle. he hides most of the time.
Can I have photo of your sump and equipment. speically interested to see a photo of the tank with the door open.
Very nice tank. Everything looks good. If you can try to get the orange shoulder that would be cool would love to see it.
umm, new additions: lunar eclipse zoas, two monti caps, tyree neon green toadstool, dendros. :)


only picture i have for now
reef: i alaso posted on the tang thread :)

been trying out a new lens (135mm fixed w/ autofocus) even with autofocus, i was trying to focus manually on all my shots to get the exact shot i wanted.

new dendros added to the tank. :) its tennis ball sized colony. (same ones in the previous post, i didnt just buy two big colonies of dendros)

first shot of a tort for growth progression diary on solaris lighting system (one week in the system and it took me three days to glue it down, been knowcked around by hermits those days, but its encrusting nicely now)

this growth growth progression also

and this

... just for fun
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partial fts to top it off ( i say partial because i cut off a total of 18" of the tank this picture)

the skimming has changed the way the water looks completely. it is no longer an ugly yellow color :D its more blue now
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