More pictures..
More pictures..
Complete Whole Aquascape:
With Proposed SPS Corals Positioning:
Drew a frame for easy visualization… any suggestion or comments on the layout?
I. On the right hand side, you can see a low-based rock, which I intend to grow staghorn where the rest will be a mix of Acros, Monti and birdnests…the highest point of the pillar is 55cm.
II. Planned to keep Monti Caps on those areas slightly shaded by the pillars and overhangs.
III. Create an illusion of 2 separate Great Barrier reef with plenty of caves and sand bed for my LPS and fishes to swim….maybe even a Carpet anemone?? Any thoughts on this?? Have one Green Carpet before 2 years back but did not made it……!!
IV. All possible position for SPS are identified and pre-drill for easy positioning and removal for fragging, treatments, etc
V. Keep everything away from the glass and weir for easy cleaning and maintenance.
VI. I’m hoping with my Solaris lighting which function very similar like a spot light, will give the SPS along the center barrier reef sufficient lights for growth and colors, and at the same time less intense lights at the glass panels, thus’ reducing algae growth…
VII. Planned to seed this with some live rocks and ZEObak to get the cycle going…any suggestion how much live rock to use? 20%
VIII. Alternative I can also used a cup of live sand from my current tank to seed…
Top View of my version of Barrier Reef - you notice there is nothing under the large overhang as most lights will be shades by this overhang so will planned to place some less light intense LPS, softies and maybe Zoa in those positions.
This week will give my based rocks a good wash in RO water follow by soaking in RO water and vinegar (3:1 ratio) for the next 48 hours. After that I will start my collection of RO water for my tank….I don’t think I have enough containers to pre-collect 1000L of RO water but whatever I collect will surely help to speed up the process.
Also got news my new metal stand will be ready this Thursday for delivery…
:rollface: Ed