470g inwall construction thread

I am curious why you didnt want vertical I beam support since you already had the welder out? I saw a similar set up where the steel vertical supports were between the studs, so like yours they were invisible after sheet rock. It is looking good! :)
I'd still put in a center support on the outside edges after sump is installed, whenever i build something it's always overkill just for saftey purposes....(3 year old child in residence).. anyway it's gonna look sweet whatever ya do to the stand..looking forward to the progress................Jeff
Steel support beams in the walls would have worked fine. Unfortunately, I did not have access to enough steel for the legs too. The greenboard is now up in the fishroom. Mud and tape tomorrow as well as finish the plywood for the stand. I did add two 2x4 headers above the six existing 2x4s which support each end of the I-beam.

Since my sump and a lot of the equipment will sit beneath the stand, I wanted all the access I could get....ie...no center supports.

I am going to use "car wash" board on the room's walls and ceiling. Its comes in 8'x4' white textured formica-like sheets and will be attached to the greenboard using small rivets. All seems will be calked to give an air tight seal. Our public aquarium has used it with great success in its wet areas. Works great with saltwater and humidity.
We used that on the walls of the brewery that I used to brew in. It is a harsh moist environment and that made it easy to clean. You can spray your walls with a hose!
OK....more pics. Got the greenboard up yesterday and managed to mud a tape today. I'm very happy with the way the beams turned out as they simply dissappear into the wall.....no supports are seen. Let me know what you think!


Tank and sump are now in...much thanks to my friends and neighbors who helped with the move today. 8 guys..2 piano dolleys....and a little luck..and here it is! The two 2x4s are temporary until the cabinetry is built next week around the tank. Bookshelfs will be built on either side the tank and cabinets beneath and on top.

A view looking under the stand from the living room.

A view from the back of the tank. Five 1" returns along the back wall fed by a Sequence Barracuda pump. Overflow boxes in each corner....and a 2" BH on the left for a closed loop which feeds two 1" spraybars down both sides of the tank.
It will be a reef tank stocked predominantly with SPS. I would also like to have several pairs of spawning fish.....haven't decided on what species yet though.
man what is up w/ EVERYONE doing HUGE or GINORMOUS tanks lately??

wish i could do one....so why not post pics of your to ease my pain

Hey Curt where are the updated pics? the ones with your buddys Larry and Craven installing the frp and you pukin from the silicone fumes???

Haven't had time to post those pics yet....spent several hours last night after they left apologizing to my wife for allowing those two guys in our house "Seeing Larry and Craven installing the frp in their matching spandex bikers' shorts was a little to much for the wife to handle". Pics go up tonight!!! Anyone with a queazy stomach should stop reading here.