470g inwall construction thread

curthendrix said:

Haven't had time to post those pics yet....spent several hours last night after they left apologizing to my wife for allowing those two guys in our house "Seeing Larry and Craven installing the frp in their matching spandex bikers' shorts was a little to much for the wife to handle". Pics go up tonight!!! Anyone with a queazy stomach should stop reading here.

Men is spandex??? Hmmm, I'll definately need to check back and get a goood laugh ;)

:lol: TheBimbo :lol:

I thought you gave the spandex shorts to Larry and Craven from your collection? Did anyone get any pics of you passed out in the front yard from the fumes? Larry told me that he was bringing some tequila to your house tonite and that you were making margaritas and using tropic marin pro to salt the rims with! He said that if I came over all I had to bring was some limes and you would give me a pair of those biker shorts and that you were gonna fill up your sump and we could all soak in it!
so I guess I'll see you tonight.

This thread is rapidly getting away from me!! Back to the tank. Pic of the guys putting up the frp.....
That's gonna be a sweet tank! You gotta keep us up to date on your progress. Feel free to give alot of technical info if you have the time. Good luck.


Your probably right as far as the mud and tape. I have to admit I'm a little paranoid about the moisture from the nearly 700g of water that will be in the system. The mud and tape in order to seal any seams in the greenboard and insure the humidity/moisture stays away from the insulation, studs, and the rest of the house.
I will post the technical info when the plumbing starts along with pics. An updated equipment list is as follows:
AP1003 Deltec Skimmer w/ self-cleaning head
Emporer 80w high output UV
2 Tunze waveboxes
Red sea 100mg Ozone generater
Combo of 400w and 250w MH "Aquaconnects/Phoenix" in Luminarcs and Reefoptic reflectors
HQI Ballasts
4 Sequence pumps "1 for a closed loop"
3/4 HP 220v chiller "tradewind"
Schuran Calcuim Reactor
Two 1" sea swirls
Two Tunze 6100 streams

"I like flow!!!!"

The fan is a 6" inline fan. The controller is an Equinox Climate Controller. I purchase both thru "pacificgardensupply.com". I believe most hydroponic stores carry both products. I'm interested in seeing how the setup works as heat and moisture is a concern in a setup this size.
I can't wait until I can knock out a wall in my house to put a tank/fishroom in - wait I have to get a house first....and set up my first SW aquarium.

this looks like a really fun/hard/rewarding project and I'm excited to see more updates.

I like that you're going BB since I will be as well when I finally set up my first SW tank this fall and seeing more BB tanks is always helpful.

I also share your interest in pairing/spawning - and I'm planning on my first tank just being a pair of clowns and an anemone after awhile. I'll just have to rely on your pics to see any other species mating antics...so keep em comin!
Just out of curiousity, are you keeping a round about figure on how much your setup will cost total? I'm curious to find out once you are all done. (including lr, but not fish and corals) if you wouldn't mind stating the figure when you are all done.
Yes, I am keeping a round figure of the cost although I choose not look at it very often and definately keep that figure off my wife's radar!! I will post the figure when the project is completed as long as my spouse continues to show no interest in reefcentral!!

While I haven't taken the time to add up the current cost of the project, I would guess your in the ballpark. I actually anticipated all the costs except for the plumbing....double union ballvalves are expensive!! I got into this via a local LFS who set me up with a oceanic tank with a huge centerbrace, short canopy, 2.5" sandbed, etc. Thanks to RC and some very good and knowledgable friends, I have designed the setup that I want...down to practically every detail. Will post plumbing pics in the next few days! In the meantime.....trying to keep 400lbs of liverock cool in my garage.....May in Oklahoma and its getting warm...as are my rock tubs!!