Ultimate Reefer
No wonder Biggles calls you the "sneaky one!" Oh whoa is me, all my SPS are brown, then surprise, in one hour, they color up! Sounds sneaky to me!
Marty!!! :angryfire: You're supposed to be on my side...:facepalm: Now Biggles is definitely going to pickup on this...
The corals (those that are coloured up) have done so mainly in the past few weeks. Look at the FTS shot and the 2nd pic to see brown acros...Mr I support Biggles...:debi:
Sahin, the corals look really good, and I don't feel even a little bad for prodding you to post picsI see you all over threads, always looking for information, asking good questions, and complimenting others(other than Biggles of course:wave
It's time for you to show off a little and I'm glad you did!
Thanks buddy. I love reading build threads and love learning about how others run their systems. I guess this part of me will never change :lol:
Thanks, I've worked real hard to bring the corals to this point. I really hope the tank has no further problems and I get to see the tank to the point where the frags are all colonies.Your corals look like they are making an incredible rebound Sahin! They look really great. This will be an awesome looking tank once they grow in.
Wow, thanks for such a nice compliment.Tank has rebounded nice man a true testament to your abilities!