I might not be so quick to snuff the Radions. Has anyone taken a look at TankMaster's thread? He has some serious growth and coloration from his SPS. You really have to see it to believe it.
Hung has very nice colouration under Radions; though I already asked on his thread and he said T5's have the edge in terms of colouration. However the systems are all separate.
I think we're all just poking fun but I'm sure we all want to see Sahin succeed.
I love T5's. However, my true love is MH's. LED's in theory should work...I've seen the spectral measurements by Sanjay Joshi on the first Gen Radions...the spectrum is fine aside from 400nm and shorter wavelengths. The Radion Pros do have decent output in the violet end of the spectrum which was lacking in the 1st Gen Radions when Sanjay did the measurements.
That leaves two issues:
1. How the light is delivered; ie the issue of lenses and coverage
2. Channel setup
1 and 2 are what I am sorting out at the moment and as soon as I am happy with a program the lights will go over the tank.
I have ordered custom cut Aluminium square tubes; they will be anodised in black to match the Radions.
I will do some PAR measurements and mess around with spacing between the Radions to ensure the PAR is distributed evenly over the tank.
QUOTE=reefmutt;24217298]I wish he'd hurry up and succeed... I want pics of the new stuff humming along....
What's taking so long?? He got all the equipment like days ago....
Slacker, Sahin........[/QUOTE]
LOL. Matt see my post above. This is a significant change. The PacificSun Hybrid unit did VERY well for me. A change to 100% LED's needs to be made properly...I dont want the experiment to fail because I messed up with the Radion spacing above the tank or the light schedule has been setup wrong.
I'm at home all this week so I've been measuring the PAR levels through the day; every hour. I will more of less replicate this on the Radions.
I also need to drill the ceiling; its bloody concrete so drilling for the Radion hanging kit wont be easy.
So far I have the Reeflink and Vortechs setup to be controlled wirelessly. I've connected the Reeflink via LAN into my router.
Remember he is a super secret agent and his camera is being held by the government. I think he has pictures of the plans for the Death Star on it or something:strooper:
I emailed and asked for my stuff back and a replacement memory card before Xmas...they didnt even reply...:furious:
You guys leave my mate Sahin alone, he'll post some pics when he's good and ready. If he wants to be a secret agent then i think we should all just go along with it Matt, crazy as a loon but he's great at keeping SPS so putting up with all the lies is a small price to pay :beer:
James Sahin...........
Couple more weeks and I should have my camera back and Radions will be over the tank hopefully.