7096 Availability?

Claude Hug, Tunze France and head of R & D, he is a retired electrical engineer and lives in Colmar, the town where the Statue of Liberty was built.
So im confused...what exactly does the 7095 do that this one doesn't to warrant the extra 100 bucks? I know you have to hook this one up to your computer...but is that it?
The 7096 costs less mostly due to to the simpler design and lower manufacturering costs. The 7095 will have a shorter minimum interval but the 7096 can control all four channels independentally

Quoting Roger from another thread

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14353926#post14353926 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
The 7096 is so much cheaper because your computer is what is doing all the work, their are no knobs, one button and four LED's, vs the dozens of LED's and multiple buttons and knobs on the 7095. The 7095 will remain largely for maintanence companies and those who don't want to hassle with a computer. The 7096 can do everything the 7095 can do except intervals are limited to 1 minute instead of 1 second. This was done only to simplify the user interface screen. On the other hand, it can do everything the 6091 can do so if you select wavebox mode you get intervals from .3-2.5 seconds. It also has an auto tuning wavebox mode and storm mode. It is cheaper because it is really just a box with some flash memory and a basic processor and the cost of producing it is much lower as a result, your $1000 computer is doing all the heavy work.
Well I tell ya. I just borrowed a buddys Aquasurf today and it wouldn't take much to out do it. Instrustions are terrible. The cables seem backwards and does not seem to really work properly at all.

Can't wait to see/try your 7096
Late March/ Early April, everything is ready and in production. The software is getting some last minute tweaks and board housings still need to be finished (drilling holes and adding the printing) but we are pretty much on target.
The wavebox uses a special pump that is halfway between a 6100 and 6200 or a 6101 and 6201.

chercm, this is exactly why they told you it wasn't going to be available for a couple months. When they get to your dealer you can buy one, no one is going to die because the 7096 is two week earlier or later. Now please, asking every week if it is here yet is getting a bit old. We are still on schedule, it should be ready at the end of the month but it will take time to get them to the dealers and through customs.
I will try to get an update, my last update was 2 weeks ago and everything was on target for a limited release of a few dozen units by mid April, with about 1000 to follow in late April. The staggered release is due to printing the software and not any technical reason. The first ones will basically have CD's burned on computers at the factory while they gear up for professional pressing at a software producer as it will take a few weeks to get the CD's produced.
It will also be available as a download but we will include an installation DVD, the main file is bulky, especially with the USB driver, it is not too big to email, but nearing the limits, it could be a slow download especially with hundreds of requests to download it. All updates will be downloadable.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14732092#post14732092 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by waynesworld
Just skip the cd and let us download it.

agreed! skip the cd and let us have the toy earlier
The first 50 should ship out to the various distributors worldwide at the end of next week, likely 10 will come to the US, a couple hundred should follow at the end of the month. It has been tested on Windows 98, XP, Vista and 7. I know someone asked about 64bit Vista and I still don't have a definite answer on that. The Mac version is a couple months away and because it will cost several thousand dollars to develop it will be an additional charge separate program but the cost will be nominal, less than $20.
What a cool product, Roger. :) I put in a preorder for one. Can I upload a program from my desktop upstairs, and then take it to my aquarium and just plug it in? My laptop is a Mac. I can see how a laptop is handy for trying different programs quickly, but I will have to wait for the Mac software. In the meantime, I only have a PC desktop.