a simple sps tank

Hey Mike buddy, mind if I join your thread?.....You can never have to much help keeping bello in check Now I'm going to the thread from the start so I'm up to date:D.
Mind??Really,really glad/appreciate you joined fishy buddy:beer:
lol...true indeed!Bello is a hard man to keep in check:lol:...but he is one of my favorite persons!

Mike, you promised me photos of your new scape!
I know buddy....guilty as charged:blown::p

I've done/changed many things that pilled up and was too bored to update them:clown:

Firstly i stopped bio-pellets(you know...jellybeans,lol)
Had some problems with the reactor and until i'll find one that will work without problems,chose to take them off.
I also added 1 lt siporax.

Cyano,no matter what i did kept annoying me:mad2:
Didn't have ANY nagetive effects on the corals though but i hated seeing that thing.
So i bit the bullet and removed CC and i'm back to BB.
Every time i went through the cyano issue and the reasons i had this problem for so many months,i ended up in the CC.
After all it started right after i added CC.
Cyano has disappeared for two weeks now.
But i think i'll put some sand back(even less this time) but will run it 50-50 BB and sand,to the spots that are more viewable:)

Also relocated some corals in order to mix their colors in the general picture and prevent some shading from each other.

I also made some sneaky additions:cool:....and after 2-3 years of having only 2-3 fish i now have 11 lol lol
Added 3 chromis and 7 anthias.I'll add 3 more of the last.

Pics will save me from even more words so i'll upload some soon!
Until next week i'll have the sand back.

Thanks for checking guys,really appreciate it!:beer:
Hehehe lol thanks Mike:beer:. Yes bello is hard to keep in check (I don't do a good job of that lol, normally I join him in his amusing antics:lol: ), but he's also one of my best buddies(all the people on my friend list are my favorite buddies, so yes that means you to Mike:beer: )
Neither chris at the moment!
I've never used ozone.
I did try uv for a couple of months in my early reefing days in order to make things better for some fish i had,with ick problems.
It didn't help and i have never used it since then.

Do you use any of them?
Pics will save me from even more words so i'll upload some soon!
Until next week i'll have the sand back.

Let the Record show that, Mike, has hereby promised us updated pics!!! :p

I'm glad to hear that the Cyano has reduced. While I'm not a fan of BB, I hate Cyano a whole lot more :furious:. If it works, and keeps Cyano at bay, go for it :thumbsup:

I'm running some siporax as well, about 5ltrs, to be honest I don't really know how much it is helping as yet...but there's no harm from them, so that's ok for now :). It makes up for my low amounts of live rock at least.

Chromis and Anthias!!!! You read my mind :lol:... I'm replacing the loss of the YT's and the submarine, with Chromis and Anthias....They may be common but seriously, I like the groups, and that's enough for me :thumbsup:

Question: How did Quasimodo behave when you added the chromis/anthias? Any aggression?

Now we're really waiting for the pics!!!
We need some pic updates please Mike

Reading back and sorry to see that red monti go was a very nice piece buddy
A promise is a promise(please forget that i've already broken the one i made to bello some posts before:lmao: )
As soon as i add the new sand back i'll make one scotty buddy,including some older pics:)

Yeah that monti was nice but it had got too big and honestly i don't have the room for a coral that big.Plus after 2 years it didn't excite me that much.
So i also removed the other 2 montis i had too.

Let the Record show that, Mike, has hereby promised us updated pics!!!

I'm glad to hear that the Cyano has reduced. While I'm not a fan of BB, I hate Cyano a whole lot more If it works, and keeps Cyano at bay, go for it

I'm running some siporax as well, about 5ltrs, to be honest I don't really know how much it is helping as yet...but there's no harm from them, so that's ok for now. It makes up for my low amounts of live rock at least.

Chromis and Anthias!!!! You read my mind :lol:... I'm replacing the loss of the YT's and the submarine, with Chromis and Anthias....They may be common but seriously, I like the groups, and that's enough for me :thumbsup:

Question: How did Quasimodo behave when you added the chromis/anthias? Any aggression?

Now we're really waiting for the pics!!!
I solenmly swear that in the next week i'll post pics guys!
Can't promise anything about the quality though...you know i suck at it:o

I won't go full BB like before bello.
I bought another return pump(less energy consumption) and one more circulation pump.
I'll plug them on,see where the high-low flow areas are and put some sand back accordingly.

You are so right on that,anthias and chromis are sooooo common but soooo interesting/beautiful at the same time.
They gave a lot of movement in the tank:)

Quasimodo(you remembering his nickname always put a smile on my face buddy,lol) gave them two really aggressive days but now he only harasse them occasionally and during feeding time.
It was a bit funny watching the group scatter by quasimodo,looking like the sharks we see in te documentaries,lol!!!
Thank God,up until now he hasn't made any damage to them and probably he won't.:worried:

Ya where's the new pics Mike..
I gave my word cugly buddy so now i'm bound to do it:beer:
I cannot promise anything about the quality though...never had any real skills at it and i think i never will:hmm4:

Thank you so much, for the interest guys:beer:
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Amazing tank, loved the achilles so healthy and fat
Any special care for that? I want to get a small size for my tank.
Thank you very much reefid:beer:
Really glad you like it,it means a lot to me!

Achilles is my big love and i feel very lucky to have one in my tank:inlove::inlove:
I really don't do anything special for him.
Just a lot of food and lots of flow.

Weekend was devoted to the tank guys and kept me busy:hmm4:
Changed the return pump,removed the remaining CC,siphoned the last parts of cyano,did a big WC,added the 2nd jebao w25 and today added most of the new sand to the places i wanted:o

I'll share some pics,as promised :p ,in the next couple of days:beer:
Hi guys,so the changes in the CC are finished:-)

During the procedure i took some of my "amazing" pics:p
I took many pics but only these are kind of descent
You can see on the right.the cyano problem

This one is a really fast grower and during the WC's,almost half of it goes out of the water

Tank before looked like this

Then i started removing CC

I also relocated some corals and today it's like this

I'm really happy for BB
When he arrived 24.12

A bit later

And 7 months later(I love the changes in the teardrop,the tail,his colors in general but the one that i absolutely love is the change in the shape/morphology of their forehead)

And the other additions

Sorry for the bad quality in the pics guys:(
, on Flickr

Nice sump setup and I enjoy reading your tank here during a typhoon day off in Taiwan ;-)...

You have a great fish and SPS mixed tank here. Cyano issue is also my pain in the past, but I got it resolve after adding a few white spot (Sixspot Sleeper ?) gobies. Anyway, it may not a suitable solution for your tank since my sand is only #2 size, and I have less big fishes than your tank.
Finally, the update :p

The tank looks good :thumbsup:. I like the new anthias and chromis. What type of anthias are they?

BB looks great :thumbsup:, I've heard of a lotta people having trouble while keeping Achilles, but he seems to be thriving.... I'd love to keep one myself if I had a bigger tank :(.

What are you using to take pics Mike? :p Some of the corals look very interesting, but its difficult to see with the pics. Time for a new camera? :p :lol:
Still gets me everytime buddy when I come along to check out your thread and BAM there he is Mr Achillies! He's looking really good and so is the rest of your tank, I like the rearranging you've done and love the thin growth your getting it looks awesome, its something I want to do with my 3ft :)

Keep up the good work my friend ;)