a simple sps tank

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking nice and clean mate! Nice solid colours on the Acros. :thumbsup: And your photography has improved much!

Since you are near pro with the photography, I am expecting LOTS more photos., especially with the top down ones. :lol2:
Pro with photography???You must love me big time sahin buddy:love1::lmao:
Still don't know what i did and the pics look a bit better,compared with the previous ones:hmm6:
Maybe it was the iso that i reduced?Used the same camera.
Do you still think i'm pro?:lolspin:
Next time i'll try to take pics from every coral in the tank.

Thank you so much buddy,it really means a lot that you like it:beer:

I was just wondering about the Orange monti placement options.... What if you made a thin narrow tall tower of rock (another island), and placed it just in front/joining the overflow box? It would need to be as tall as the height of the mp40 maybe? I dunno...just thinking.

I can't think of any other option right now, because I really like your open look :thumbsup:
Thank you bello buddy for taking time to suggest places for that monti.
It's quite big and if i place it higher it will shade other corals in no time.:(
I always want montis to be placed under every other coral or at the same hight with the last.
You were sooo right that removing/replacing it,would help to the tanks open look.
I'll explain in the next post:o
So now i remembered why i swore many years ago,that i would not put again in any of my tanks a fish that's a risk....especially if that is a small one:angryfire:

So it didn't take too long for the little devil(acanthops) to develop a taste for almost EVERY coral in the tank!
For the last few days polyps where retracted.My parameters where good so i started watching the tank for a pest or something.It looks like the "pest" was little devil.
After observing him for only 20 minutes he literally nipped at everything except the brain,clam and the big mille!:uhoh2:
Like he was on a crazy nipping mode!
Can only imagine what he was doing while i was away from the house.

In 5 minute i had my net ready and started the "catch me if you can mike" game!!:uzi:
He was always hanging under the monti cap so i broke a few pieces of it so it could fit in the net.
Three times i had him in the net with the whole monti and this demon managed to escape from a thin pin opening between the net and the glass:angryfire:
Then he went and hide in small crevices to the rocks where i could do nothing:wildone:
Have you ever had a moment that you said....."you little @!$$ when i catch you i'll squish you like a pimple in the !@#??????
Well...i had with this one(and the one-wrasse- some years ago,which i had forgotten...otherwise acanthops would never get in the tank).

So i thought to take advantage of the minimal aquascape and....turned every pump off(like during the WC)...took both rocks out...and this guy almost surrendered immediately to the net.
Put the rocks back and turned the pumps on.The whole process took me 5-10 minutes.I wish i had done this from the start instead of getting crazy for almost one hour and a half:bounce1:
When i saw him in the bag my angry feelings went away and gave him back to the lfs.
Too bad,i liked this fish a lot.

On the other hand monti had now may broken pieces and i had a good excuse to take it out and give it away to a friend.
And a few goodbye pics(while many of it's pieces are broken)because it grew from a very tiny frag
Bello buddy you were correct!I'll take some pics later to show the change in the general approach of the aquascape.
Απο 2622 by mad23_, on Flickr
Απο 2617 by mad23_, on Flickr

Well...that was a VERY long post!:bum:
Sorry buddy but i could not help but have a little chuckle at your story. My last Acanthops gave me the same feeling. I had a not so minimalistic scape at the time and had to completely tear it down to catch it.

I will some day have a FOWLR with dwarf angels. I usually like calm and peaceful fish ... but these little buggers are just very special.
Ormet i swear,the third time he got away from the net i was shouting like a crazy person:wildone:
So now i'm back again to never putting in my tank small risky fish:D

That made me cancel my blue line angelfish order i had and i'm thinking what to add.
Maybe a moorish:confused:
I'm not in a hurry though after all this chasing:hmm5:

Totally agree with you...this little devil was a very beautiful fish.
Too bad i had to take him out.
Whoa, that's a bloody big monti :thumbsup:. Too bad it had to go, but I'm sure you made your friend very happy indeed :).

The Flameback story is all too familiar, sorry about that Mike. I pretty much did exactly what you did, removed all the rock with the minimal scape and got him out. They're really smart in hiding, and very difficult to catch. Unfortunately, with my score being 0/2 with Flamebacks nipping., my friend's 0/1 and your 0/1, it seems that these really very likely to get nippy.

Mine did behave quite well in an LPS and softie tank though, if that's any help. My friend is selling his juvenile queen angel right now, and I'm soooo tempted :furious:

Waiting on the new scape pics, Mike :thumbsup:

P.S. Is it Mike or Mihalis? I had a crypriot friend called Mike/Mihalis many years ago (he was insane :p), so had to ask :).
Sorry about the monti, however, I understand the need for space, hope it all works out :)
Side note, your tank is looking awesome :)
Whoa, that's a bloody big monti. Too bad it had to go, but I'm sure you made your friend very happy indeed.

The Flameback story is all too familiar, sorry about that Mike. I pretty much did exactly what you did, removed all the rock with the minimal scape and got him out. They're really smart in hiding, and very difficult to catch. Unfortunately, with my score being 0/2 with Flamebacks nipping., my friend's 0/1 and your 0/1, it seems that these really very likely to get nippy.

Mine did behave quite well in an LPS and softie tank though, if that's any help. My friend is selling his juvenile queen angel right now, and I'm soooo tempted

Waiting on the new scape pics, Mike

P.S. Is it Mike or Mihalis? I had a crypriot friend called Mike/Mihalis many years ago (he was insane :p), so had to ask :).
Sorry for the late replies guys,had some internet connection problems:hammer:

I was very proud of this coral bello buddy because it has grown to that size from a little frag.
But like you said it made a good friend of mine happy and me also,for all these space that left behind and better/easier flow:)

That small devil(flameback) was nipping like there was no tomorrow:mad2:
So you can feel too my anger!
Did notice the same thing,he never bothered my brain coral neither the clam,so maybe indeed he is safer regarding lps/soft.

Let us know what you did with the queen!Such a beautiful fish.

Will upload some new pics soon.
You my friend made me get rid my other monti too:lol:
You'll see;)

You can call me both names buddy:beer:
Sorry about the monti, however, I understand the need for space, hope it all works out
Side note, your tank is looking awesome
Thank you so much perry,really really really glad you like it buddy!:beer:
Hi tron:wave:
It's a 8x54w ati and hangs about 14-15cm over the water level.
All ati bulbs 4 blue plus and 4 coral plus but i'm thinking of trying some other combinations in the next few months.
I don't have a PAR meter and am gauging how much more to drop my ATI 4bulb...
I used to run 2 Blue+ 2 Coral+, if you are searching for a touch bluer, either 4 Blue+ 2Coral+ or perhaps 4 Blue+ 1 Coral+ 1 Purple+ will work... at the moment I'm on the 2 Blue, 1 KZ Blue, 1 Purple+, an icy blue 18k...

Reason I asked about the lighting is I'm getting decent growth and OK color, but this is my red planet LOL, I'm so confused...
It is so stubborn, the red/pink will not come out, its the highest coral in my tank... so i know its getting light!

Red Planet 5-14-14 by J.L Photography, on Flickr
Thank you very much for the bulb suggestions tron,appreciate it:thumbsup:

To be honest i really like the colors your red planet has:)
Great pic!When she becomes bigger i'm sure it'll look even better!
Maybe it's a water thing and not that much of your lights.
I'd be happy not only if mine looked like that but....if i had one in the first place:lolspin::lolspin:

Are you happy with the Kz bulb?
Heh, I'm being as patient as possible... It's getting there.

The KZ blue is great. Much different than Ati's blue. Less green, appears as a deeper blue.

Can you pick it out? :)

T5 by J.L Photography, on Flickr
Ah....patience,big key in our hobby!:)
Sadly i don't have this virtue:)

Is it the second from the left?
Really like what you said about having less green.That's the reason i want to try another bulb from the blue plus.
Came close a couple of times to kz but hesitated in the end.
I think old blue plus didn't have so much green but then again maybe it's my eyes:beachbum:

Thanks for the pic buddy!Helped a lot:thumbsup:
Good call... I only tried them as premium aquatics is clearing out all KZ Stuff. Check to see if they still have anything left.

Got them on the cheap!
:thumbsup:Thanks again for the tips Tron
Bulbs will need replacing in a couple of months,so this time that i'm not in a hurry i'll try them;)
I decided against the Queen ..... for now, but that doesn't mean that I won't be trying anymore angels soon :p. Sneaky sneaky :p

You removed the other Monti as well? Replaced it with what :p? Waiting for pics now Mike :lol:. I'll stick with Mike, to avoid confusion :p. But yeah, I had a bunch of Greek and Cypriot friends when I was studying in the US, had great times with them :thumbsup:
Looking good glad you caught the little devil every time I had to do that my aquascape changes lol..
You have a simply amazing tank and corals very nice aqua scape:beer:It realy sucks about the fish lost but I see you found a new one :) and I have finally found someone with less fish then me:spin3:
I decided against the Queen ..... for now, but that doesn't mean that I won't be trying anymore angels soon :p. Sneaky sneaky

You removed the other Monti as well? Replaced it with what? Waiting for pics now Mike. I'll stick with Mike, to avoid confusion. But yeah, I had a bunch of Greek and Cypriot friends when I was studying in the US, had great times with them
...."for now" lol
You sneaky risky buddy of mine:beer:
Can't wait for your next apocalypse:)

Yeap!Kept only one of the three i had.
You'll see in the pics in the next couple of days.
Thank you for tickling me about the monti.;)
Didn't buy anything new though.
Just stuck a branch to the rock where that monti was and glue a small mille there so she can fill the space nicely.
Man what pain it was to get rid of the purple monti that had encrusted on the rock:headwally:
Took me almost an hour to completely remove it without damaging the other corals.
Thought that only the encrusting ones where difficult to remove.

Glad you had good times with those guys:beer:

Looking good glad you caught the little devil every time I had to do that my aquascape changes lol..
Well i admire you for looking it from the bright side cugly!
I almost jumped from the roof and discovered that my "boiling point" was not as strong,as i though it would be:lol:
.....to be honest...after i cought him,i did move the rocks a bit so they have a bit bigger space between them.
Really glad you like it,it means a lot!

You have a simply amazing tank and corals very nice aqua scape:beer:It realy sucks about the fish lost but I see you found a new one and I have finally found someone with less fish then me
Thank you so much reeflover,happy you like it buddy!Appreciate it big time:thumbsup:
It still has a long way to go and the corals to grow but i have patiance.................................not!
Yeah 8ball was a big loss but thank god,i was really lucky and found another one really fast.
Lol we are both very close regarding our fish list!
Hey Mike buddy:wave:, mind if I join your thread?.....You can never have to much help keeping bello in check:lolspin: Now I'm going to :reading: the thread from the start so I'm up to date:D.