Algae ID


RC Mod
Staff member
RC Mod
Anyone know what this algae (not the Caulerpa) is? It seems to be forming plate like growths from the rock. The rock is KP Aquatics Caribbean live rock.

It looks like the mossy stuff I've had before. I call it moss algae. Hard to tell without a close-up shot. Mine formed rounded mounds. The plating shapes look pretty cool. So it could be the same species, demonstrating phenotypic plasticity. Or just something else. I think it's nice, but you might not. I found it pretty easy to manually remove.
Michael, thanks for the reply. I think this is something different than you had/have. It is very difficult to manually remove and it spreads pretty rapidly.

My tank originally had an outbreak of Dictyota and manual removal, GFO, carbon, and water changes wouldn't touch. The Dictyota was beginning to take over the entire tank. In an act of desperation, I used AlgaeFix Marine which wiped it out.

But, then Bryopsis, GHA and this stuff started taking over. Again, conventional treatments did nothing to control them. I ended up dosing Fluconazole and it wiped out almost all of the Bryopsis and GHA in less than a week. As of Monday, it looks like the Fluconazole is having an effect of this pest as well.
Sorry I wasn't more help. Do you have a good crew to help out?

Yep, hermits, Nerites, Astreas, Turbos, 2 Pencil Urchins (LR Hitchhikers), and a short spine urchin. Looks like the Nerites are starting to graze on the affected portions of this algae.

ETA: there are also several chitons that hitchhiked on the LR.