backyard salt pool aquarium 10K GAL

Sounds like you need to study up a bit but if you've got the cash it's certainly doable. As suggested speak to public aquarium people, and you could also see temp requirements by monitoring unheated pools in the area, study rainfall patterns with particular emphasis to max dumps and calculate dilution, measure light intensity. Usual filtration, cirulation and lighting study. Plan, plan, plan then start slow and evolve your reef over time. Easy stuff first, rock and fish, then add softies and such and see how it goes. Go to Shutiny's website (i think her tank is 3000gl partially outdoor do search and you'll find her here on RC), and also note that she has staff from Monterey Aquarium help her with maintenance.
says Its a 1200 GAL

I doesn't rain enough here to have to calculate all that. There will be a heater obviously to keep the water warm. I know its not going to be a full blown reef over night. If I get the water in place let it run for a couple months make sure its good to go, then throw some live rocks in a few places add some fish. rock and roll. I think live sand would be pretty cool too. Just like your at the beach. I got a rock waterfall cave in the corner. This thing is going to be sick people are going to trip the f--k out when they see it.
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LOTUS50GOD> good info.
If you are going to do this you live in the perfect place. (Im from Venice Beach) but it does get very hot in the summer...this will take massive planning. 1200 gallons is much more resonabe :)
I think that it would be a good idea to build some type of atrium over the pond, i have seen people loose koi ponds full of fish due to neighbors using insecticides, and construction which puts lots of toxins into the air which will end up in your water causing problems, as far as rain goes you still need to keep an eye out for this, because even though we dont get lots of rain, when we do sometimes it can be heavy and could potentially change your salt levels enough that it could wipe out all your critters,also if your pond is brand new your cement has not cured and can cause alk and ph to go high, i build ponds for a living and when we build cement ponds we need to treat the cement and we usually coat it with a special epoxy paint, it comes in different colors, blue would be good in your case, is the pond already made or is it under construction at the moment ?

Covered fiberglass pool = lots of upper-middle class, rich people have them so that's easy.

Add salt, add BIG rodi unit, add huge top-off reservoir, add float valve, add industrial size skimmer, some live rock and easy coral and call it a day, mix up your homemade 2-part by the barrel and add what ever you want. Set the AC and pool heater accordingly and go swimming with the fish. Am I missing something? Besides money lol.

Somebody get a link to that guy in portugal or somewhere that had the outdoor reef pool with corals and had a glass top and was serviced underground somehow.
I wouldnt take on this task without a degree in Marine Biology. And really, many people who have degrees in Marine biology couldnt take on this task. Youd have to understand more than just skimmers, flow and lighting. Some people with our smaller tanks (even 300g tanks are small compared to this) can pull it off with just spending money on quality equipment. You'll end up needing quality equipment, along with a very very broad knowledge of marine ecosystems, and the chemistry involved in natural reefs.

Youd need tons of experience, along with very deep pockets to pull this off. I think it would be awesome if it could be done properly. If not done properly, it looks like a terrible waste of money.
I was impressed with the 8 foot plus RK2 skimmers at Cabrillo untill I saw this monster at the LA Zoo. Sorry I don't know who built it :) I hope you start a build thread because I'd love to see the process and see the pool mature.


why not.... - others go diving now and then in larger tanks
... if money is not an issue. (- at least one could dream about it)
I would dig a hole into ground at one side and insert a window to also be able to whatch the fish from the outside..
something like this (more or less :D )

The reef should be situated in a small portion of the pool at the windows side (so that at least the majority remains for swimming). Well it could extend a little bit as "steep reef" on the left and right side of the pool....

I would not use to much live rock but make the most of the rockwork out of dead rocks or artificial rockwork.

Watermovement by closed loop in this portion of the pool (not so much needed for the swimming part). And one could then even hang up MH lamps over this part if needed.

But 10000g is not very much for this - would only be a pool of roughly 20x10x6 feet

Or to make it easier to keep: Just put in another window between the tank part and the swimming part - ok then the fish do not swim around you - but you stil could whatch the reef under water.


First let me say, I'm excited someone is willing to invest this much into the hobby for our viewing pleasure here:o) I have an 80g which is nothing, but I love my mini reef.

I have read and followed alot of huge tank threads here, HRCK's SHUTINY, etc... and I have observed that everyone tends to have similar reactions each time. Some folks go "wow impressive, etc.." others go " wait, what about the cost of this and that," even more go " you need to think of this techincal aspect etc.." and still others talk about diving into the system for maintence and fun.

I wonder how many of us actually are into diving, snorkeling etc.. and get this excited when we arrive at a real reef? I have traveled to only carribean reefs so far, nothing like the pacific, but each time my heart races and I go nuts awaiting the dive or snorkel. I surf, dive, snorkel swim etc...

A large tank to me is like the next closest thing to that feeling, having that slice of the ocean at home. I'm wondering if this feeling this excitement of the diversity of life and new wonders is what drives people to build such large home systems or is it just having the money and ability to do so. Meaning, I may own a Mini Cooper S, but someone else may own a Lotus Exege, it's just a difference in means so to speak.

I'm very excited to see this reef because I love the technical building aspects of it, especially any autmation. Its the geek in me that loves building, working with wood, glass acrylic, and electronics.

Well, let me wish you luck and Ill be watching indeed, sorry if I hijacked a little here, no offense just curiousty got sparked by this system.

tgrene I'm envious of your job already, need an extra hand? lol

I see the Cressi respirator, I use a ScubaPro lol
This reminds me oh a Resort in the Philippines i was at 2 years ago. It was a beach front resort. they had a pool that was from 2 feet all the way to 12 feet. Since it was next to the ocean they just drained the water back to the ocean and they would pump new one into the pool. They had Sharks and some corals. pretty nice. they used it to trains divers.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13801642#post13801642 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reef / aholic
sounds cool... wakebdrkev, here is what it might look like...


lol! thats heart reef, which is off the whitsunday coast on the Great barrier reef, i was there about 6 months ago scuba diving!! best place ive ever been in my life!