Thanks for the responses everyone, sorry about the horrible pictures.
Dan, hows your tank doing? Did you make any room yet? Still thinking about the flame trio?
Michael, surprising, the beauty is the biggest pig! Eats everything I put in the tank. The french eats pellets and is starting on frozen foods. The queen sometimes eats pellets, but mostly picks at the rocks and explores. The fish have lots of room to do so, they just discovered the other half of the tank a couple days ago!
Heath, I can't wait for your tank to get stocked as well! It is almost identical to mine. Just take it slow though, I know how tempting it is to rush! I feel like I may have rushed things.
woods, is it the 6ft long 150g? That would be a nice upgrade since the fish need the length more then the width. I know that tank is way over crowded, but your tank will get there once the fish grow up! I hope you have another upgrade coming in the near future. Your fish do look healthy, I just don't like seeing them crammed in small tanks, I feel they aren't happy that way.