Not an aggressive tank - but FO and not "the best"
Not an aggressive tank - but FO and not "the best"
I haven't posted any pictures of my tank (acrylic - Tenecor), but I finally have some decent pics online.
I'm still looking to upgrade the lights, maybe another 190w PC (double what I have) or so and add more rock. 10-15% water changes weekly of course.
The tank is a hand-me-down from my father in law who bought it years ago, but never kept up with it (and kinda beat it up a little). I believe its a little over 100g and is all self contained ("sump"/ filter, skimmer etc.) - I wouldn't be able to go the "reef" route without a major renovation, so this one will just be FOWLR.
Whole tank pics:
A few blurry shots of the live stock (still working on get really nice pics):
I seem to have all the "usual suspects", but what they lack in originality they make up for in personality. I can feed pretty much everyone by hand - but the Naso is very pushy and has to be first.
1 - Naso Tang 5"
1 - Foxface 5"
1 - Blue Tang (got him at 2" maybe but he's grown 3.5" or so)
1 - Coral Beauty
1 - Flame Angel
1 - Singapore Angel (got all the dwarfs at once - each 3")
1 - Random damsel (survived tank start up from like 2 years ago)
1 - Diamondback goby (so much fun to watch him work)
1 - Purple reef lobster (rarely see him out, but he's in there)
2 - Skunk cleaner shrimp, Random hermits and snails, 1 sand sifting star fish
and my newest addition:
Blue spiny lobster - really cool - antenna tip to tail at least 12" and we feed him by hand. Picked him up from a reef central member who had him from very little.
Night shot - on the prowl
I'm always trying to get nicer pictures, I just need to get better with the camera and post more often.
Comments or suggestions are of course welcome. Enjoy!