Bryopsis possible solution

There is still a bit of work to do but compared to 3 weeks ago it is amazing! Glad I chose to follow suit :)

Day ~5 (Taken on cell phone with white channel on)

Day ~14 (Taken on DSLR with only blue channel on)

The frags are happy!
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I'm a week in and progressing nicely.
I'm a bit of a freak about my weekly waterchanges and it's time for one and with the skimmer cup off just dumping back into the tank, I'm starting to twitch a little.

I did the math and my 10G change equates to about 1 pill of flucon.

Thoughts on doing my change and tossing a fresh 200mg back in?
Just add the pill to the new water and do the water change. My guess is that the medication has already done it's job and just takes time for the algae to die off.
I'm a week in and progressing nicely.
I'm a bit of a freak about my weekly waterchanges and it's time for one and with the skimmer cup off just dumping back into the tank, I'm starting to twitch a little.

I did the math and my 10G change equates to about 1 pill of flucon.

Thoughts on doing my change and tossing a fresh 200mg back in?
I'm pretty sure I've read here or on other sites of people doing it without any negative effects.
I'm going to order today. I've been trying Vibrant and although I have seen a decline in bryopsis I now have a raging case of cyano. I hope to get that under control before my magic pills arrive.
Day 9. This is one of my trouble spots on day one.


Same spot this morning.

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Well here we go after 16 days. I thought what I had was Bryopsis but after a little more investigation I realized it was Derbesia. The original thread that wasn't in english mentioned that it worked against Derbesia but I couldn't find any other confirmation/denial about it. Once I was sure it wouldn't do any harm I thought I'd give it a shot.

Note: The reduction may/may not have anything to do with the medicine. I upped my WC schedule and replaced my GFO at the same time I dosed about 3000mg of Fluconazole into my 120 gallon.

However I've done everything but the medicine before and had trouble getting rid of it. I'd scrub it off and it would grow back as strong as before. Now it appears to be really weakened and when I scrub it off it doesn't seem to come back, and the massive "fields" of Derbesia in places where I couldn't reach have seemed to thin out entirely on their own. I do have 2 fish which actively eat it (Kole Tang, Lawnmower Blenny), but before they weren't even making a dent on their own.

But its only been 2 weeks so we'll see how this goes in the long term.

One thing I can say for sure is nothing other than the micro-algae had any ill effect (SPS, LPS, fish, snails, clam, chaeto).




I have a question. I'm basing my over water volume at 110gals...

110 \ 7.9 = 13.92 x 150 = 2088mg dose

Figured I would pull apart 10 (200mg) capsules and I would be good. Now the problem is, I've pulled open 6 and dumped them in a container on my gram scale (300gx0.01), after six capsules it weights 2.35grams(2350mg).

How should I continue? Based solely off the capsule labeled amount, or actual weight of the powder?
I have a question. I'm basing my over water volume at 110gals...

110 \ 7.9 = 13.92 x 150 = 2088mg dose

Figured I would pull apart 10 (200mg) capsules and I would be good. Now the problem is, I've pulled open 6 and dumped them in a container on my gram scale (300gx0.01), after six capsules it weights 2.35grams(2350mg).

How should I continue? Based solely off the capsule labeled amount, or actual weight of the powder?

Labeled amount. What you're weighing includes the medication was well as binding agents, stabilizing agents, etc...