Bryopsis possible solution

OK. Day 0. My system is described below. Based on this and another thread I shut off the air on my ETSS skimmer, unplugged UV and GFO and left all else in place. Estimate 200-220 gal total water. Went for 4000mg.
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Day 1
Day 5

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My infestation was really bad but I had been using vibrant for about 6 weeks prior to treatment

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can anyone report that their corals continued to encrust and grow after dosing this stuff? I know that no ones reported that it killed their coral or inverts but was curious if it stunted growth at all.

Also, has it damaged anyones pod population at all??

Im considering trying this to get rid of some small patches of derbasia in my tank. I know this doesnt work as well if at all on other nuisance algaes but derbasia (turf algae) is very similar to bryopsis in that it can thrive in a low nutrient system and in shaded areas (3 days of darkness doesnt work), and also how it roots itself into the rock

im just very apprehensive about using this in my tank bc this stuff hasnt reached a point where its taking over the tank yet and i dont want to harm my corals which are just starting to take off
My Coral continued to encrust and grow. Actually they grew faster after using the medication as the Bryopsis was smothering them. My pod population seems fine. My Mandarin is still hunting, eating and round.

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any input:

going to chemiclean ( treat Cyano) after 12 days Flucon treatment. at 15 days waterchange 40 %.

I used Vibrant for a couple months and after had a bad cyano outbreak. I atopped Vibrant, waited 7 days ans then I applied chemiclean. I did a 20% waterchange after 48 hrs, added GAC, waited 5 days and applied the fluconazole. After 11 days of fluco, I am down to a couple tough batches and no effect on my corals. The cyano did more damage to them and I am seeing some recovery on ones I thouhgt I had lost.

I would recommend chemiclean first, then bryopsis. I personaly find the cyano more damaging than the bryopsis.
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My tank was pretty seriously covered! not just the display but also my refugium was overrun with it. Totally gone!
can anyone report that their corals continued to encrust and grow after dosing this stuff? I know that no ones reported that it killed their coral or inverts but was curious if it stunted growth at all.

Also, has it damaged anyones pod population at all??

Im considering trying this to get rid of some small patches of derbasia in my tank. I know this doesnt work as well if at all on other nuisance algaes but derbasia (turf algae) is very similar to bryopsis in that it can thrive in a low nutrient system and in shaded areas (3 days of darkness doesnt work), and also how it roots itself into the rock

im just very apprehensive about using this in my tank bc this stuff hasnt reached a point where its taking over the tank yet and i dont want to harm my corals which are just starting to take off

I'm now pretty confident it works well on Derbesia, just not as quickly as Bryopsis. I didn't see any results until 1-2 weeks, but now after 3 weeks the stuff is just wiped out.

I had originally set up a test 20 gallon tank where I put in some SPS frags on rocks that were covered in Derbesia. I then dosed 400 mg of Flucon (and after a week I dosed another 400 mg). In this time I became impatient and dosed my main tank anyways, and I actually started seeing the Derbesia thinning in my main tank first before it was clearly happening in the test tank. But lo and behold 2-3 weeks later the Derbesia is wiped out of the test tank as well. No scrubbing, no water changes, no GFO, no nutrient export of any kind. Just died off the rocks. I didn't have a control tank but given my experience with how resilient this stuff is I don't doubt the results were caused by the Flucon. SPS frags were undamaged and now back in the display tank and appear quite happy.

It's honestly a miracle cure. I've been struggling with Derbesia for months and you dose a few pills and it just gets wiped out. We'll see what happens in the long term but I'm fairly confident that now it is gone it will be much easier to prevent from growing back.
Today is day 15. All bryopsis is gone. Algae in my scrubber continues to grow. 99% of any hair algae I had is gone except for this one stubborn spot pictured below.

No impact to corals that I can tell. At this point, I call this stuff a complete success.


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Thanks for this thread, after ten years of fighting bryopsis in my 2000 liter system, I am extremely excited to see if finally I could get rid of this curse.

I went to a local wholesale medical and agricultural supplier, and he gave me a bottle that says on it enilconazole 15%, when I told him that what I need is fluconazole he told me that it is the same exact thing, but this is for agricultural use and it would work the same in my tank, I am not relying on this at all, and would not experiment on my tank without confirming 100% that this is true.
So if anyone has any knowledge on this, I would highly appreciate your input.