Bubble King Skimmer Club

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Group buys are easy, guys!

Just get a list of who's in, and where they will be shipped to. Those of you who live close to each other can have the skimmers shipped to the same address to save on some shipping.

Then take that list and call the various BK dealers to see what kind of pricing/shipping they will offer :)

Good Luck!

Skimmer Update

Cleaned the cup when I got home from work. Here it is 5 hours later:


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its going pretty well tbone, not getting the skimmate your getting, but I opened up the water intake to about 4 turns and it seemed to fill the skimmer up with more bubbles. but i do have a layer of skimmate about 1/2-3/4 inch after 1 day so I can't complain. Can't wait till its fully broken in.

what's different about this skimmer is that after I feed, within a min, the foam head gets thicker and overflows more rather than loose the foam head like my other skimmers.
interesting. if I feed mysis or Rod's food, my foam head collapses. It stays intact and of same consistency when I feed frozen brine, spirulina, pellets, dry cyclopeeze.
really? It gets foamier for me when i feed mysis and rod's. Never tried brine and spirulina tho.
you're lucky! do you rinse your mysis before feeding? I also soak my food in Selcon. I wonder if that adds to the oil.
shoooot! It takes a good 2-3 hours for that foam head to form up again after I feed! So I only feed that oily stuff once a day.
tbone, how the heck do you service that skimmer in there? Looks like you have no room to even remove the collection cup.
REEEEAAAAL lucky. i wanted the Deluxe 250 and ATB medium as my top choices, but both would've required custom cups. I also tried selling my sump and ordering a new sump, but no takers on the sump. Got lucky with the clearance on the SM cup.
Should anyone organize a group buy (I unfortunately can't) I am definitly in. I'll be joining the BK membership ranks soon...but a group buy to save some green definitly sounds good. Either way whatever I save is going right back into the tank...more money to burn on other equipment!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12189045#post12189045 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tbone28
REEEEAAAAL lucky. i wanted the Deluxe 250 and ATB medium as my top choices, but both would've required custom cups. I also tried selling my sump and ordering a new sump, but no takers on the sump. Got lucky with the clearance on the SM cup.

shoulda just taken a jigsaw to the sump haha. that is a tight squeeze, but it looks like its paying off
skimmer has been running since sunday and here's a pic of 2 days worth of skimmate...

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Sheesh, I'll organize the group buy. ;)

I need a show of hands in this thread and for you each to PM me:

1. Your city/town, state and zip code

2. What model you want. Please narrow it down to two.

Keep in mind that many BK dealers will give free shipping. It may be the case that free shipping will be cheaper than a group buy discount plus shipping. But we'll see.

I assume we're all paying via credit card? It'll probably be easier if we indivdually call in our shipping and credit card info. to the dealer once we hash out the basics.

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