Bubble King Skimmer Club

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yup, I like skimming dry! That was one concern of mine for this skimmer, since Klaus says this skimmer needs to skim wetter. I'm happy with this. My water line is just a hair underneath the collection cup.
TJH--that skimmer and your handle looks familiar - did you pick up that 500int from me in San Jose when you were still living in Socal? If so, glad to see it being put to good use : )
In answer to the question a ways back, no I do not run both skimmers on the same tank. I have multiple tanks. What I like most is the performance of the red dragon pumps and the adjust ability of the skimmers.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12150506#post12150506 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tankaholic
Which in sump skimmer would you guys recommend for a 340 gallon mixed reef plus 100 gallon sump ? Thanks :)

I would think a 250 could handle that water volume. The 300 would be a little overkill, but would also work. IMO
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12149318#post12149318 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kenargo
I'm trying to decide which units best represents my club membership; the Deluxe 300 Internal or the Deluxe 300 External. The main issue is height under the tank. I have 29 " from cabinet floor to cabinet top. Does anyone have one of internal units and if so can you please answer a question:

If I put the internal version into a space 29" high will I be able to clean it and empty the skimmer cup or would this be too tight a fit?

I agree with Tbone. Hopefully someone with an external will chime in for ya, I know they are out there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12150526#post12150526 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by snorvich
In answer to the question a ways back, no I do not run both skimmers on the same tank. I have multiple tanks. What I like most is the performance of the red dragon pumps and the adjust ability of the skimmers.

Can you share some pics with us? :)
Red Dragon Pumps

Red Dragon Pumps

those of you running internal skimmers, has the pump raised the temp of your water?

My water temp went up 1 degree after i switched over to the BK. I had an Eheim 1262 on my Euroreef skimmer.

The RD pump doesn't feel warm to the touch though.

I'm not sure if the rise in water temp is from the pump or because the weather is warming up :)
Yup, Sedra 3500. The temp increase could just be environmental, as it did start warming up lately, about the same time you got your new toy!
For a 325 (ish) G total would a 300 be too large? (Mixed corals (SPS, hard, soft) not a lot of fish)
kenargo, the 300 *might* work, *might* be too large. Which fish do you have? Do you plan to buy? What do you feed (and how often)? Do you run a ZEO or other ULNS-type of tank?
Thanks for the help, here is what I have...

I have about 20 SPS, fish (eel, marine beta, cardinals, fire fish, goby, flasher wrasse, mandarin, cleaner shrimp, coral banded, Picasso trigger, Niger trigger), 6 inch Daresa clam, 25 other(buttons, mushrooms, toadstools, brains (open and closed), xenias), 2 Sand-sifting stars, 2 large medium brittle star.

Fish get fed 2-3 times per day, brine, Formula 1 + 2 or homemade (fish and algae); I mix it up for variety. Beta and eel get a shrimp 2 times per week. I feed corals DTs Premium Reef Phytoplankton 3 times per week; it also keeps my pod collection up for the mandarin. Tank gets a dose of live fresh-hatched brine every couple weeks.

Tank specifics: 180 G + 90 G, 140 lbs rock, 1-1/2 sand, mud refugium (50 G), chiller, heater and a daily water change system, about 1% per day (3 G). Kalk (Nielson reactor) for top-off, CO2 and sulphur (nitrate) reactors, 3 250 Mhd, 4 96W CPC (850 PAR at surface). 4 2101 Tunze w/AquaSurf. 1200 GPH turnover to refugium.

Maybe more information than you need but I figured more is better.
Just recently joined the club.
Here's a pic of the BK SM250.

Getting my Envision tank delivered next week so I'm hoping within a month I'll get this sucker fired up.

Should handle 350 -400G of water no problem...
Guys love seeing the junk this thing is pulling out of your systems.
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