Bubble King Skimmer Club

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nickjj - it should easily handle 400g. it's rated up to 800g! When did you take delivery of your SM250? It looks like you have the older-styled one (w/o riser extension).

Also looks like you're coming off a Euroreef as well! I had an RS250. You will LOVE this skimmer!
you BK guys.. I tell ya what, you just gotta rub it in dont ya :eek2:

Thats ok, I'll get my ATB soon enough...

and one of these days, I'll have my BK :)
someone with a 250 Deluxe (internal); what is the base size; how large of an area does it take in the sump?
tbone28 - I picked it up last week from my local reef store in Ontario. I saw your thread on the new style. Has anyone found out what is going on with the design change?

I think someone suggested it was changed to cut down on the bubbles being released by the skimmer. This thing is going to sit in my 120G sump which should take care of any micro bubbles.

Like I said I can't wait to fire it up and compare.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12153391#post12153391 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kenargo
someone with a 250 Deluxe (internal); what is the base size; how large of an area does it take in the sump?

Bubble King DeLuxe 250 internal
Base plate: 11.02" x 17.72"
For tanks from 200 - 525 gallons
1500 L/H air - 528 GPH Water
Total height : 25.59" 45 Watt/h
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12153391#post12153391 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kenargo
someone with a 250 Deluxe (internal); what is the base size; how large of an area does it take in the sump?
I have mine sitting in a 33 gal wide so its basically like a 50 breeder but 12 inches tall. It has plenty of room in there.
Here is a better pic of the new riser extension on the SM250 - found this pic over on the ZEO forums:

dude t-bone... that's some crazy skimmate. Making the decision way too tough now. I'm still going back and forth btw the deluxe and the supermarine. I like how you can take apart everything on the supermarine to clean it and it seems that the riser tube doesn't seem to affect the performance much at all. I see that you had an ER rs 250 before, that's the same skimmer I'm running now and it pulls out almost a full collection cup every few days.
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Yinger, I'm not *nervous* about the riser anymore, as I was before setting it up. Riser or not, results are what's important. And I'm very happy with it, being only 3 days in. I'll see what day #4 looks like when I get home.

The RS250 is a great skimmer as well! Are you running it with the stock Gen-X pump? I bought the Eheim 1262 for mine

Regarding taking the skimmer apart, if you are looking at ATB's and BK Deluxe's, the ATB comes apart "the most". Then the Deluxe, then SM.

I wouldn't really say that the SM comes apart for cleaning, since the bubble plate is not removable, as it is in the Deluxe and ATB.

The only removable parts on the SM are the baseplate, collection cup, and wedge pipe. By removing the baseplate, you can clean the bottom of the bubble plate. You can clean the top of the bubble plate by reaching into the skimmer body.

Here's a drawback of the riser tube. It will be hard to clean the area between the skimmer body and riser tube unless you have really small hands. I'll have to clean it using, perhaps, those acrylic-safe algae cleaners that come on a stick.

I'm sure your decision is tough. Mine was. I like to skim dry, and when Klaus said SM needs to run wetter, I was nervous. I decided to give it a try because Kennettson1 was able to skim dry. Luckily, I've been able to produce the same results - and I have a smaller tank than he does! In the end, it worked out for me because I got a skimmer with a bigger pump than the Deluxe, it's cheaper, and fits in my sump w/o modification.
Really impressed with the skimmers posted here. Leaves my wondering what it smells like.. i dream of the day my skim smells that rank. =) I'd probably drink a fair amount to own one of those. ;-)

I'll be following along with your discussion!
Oh wow, i wasn't aware that the deluxe could be taken apart as well. For some reason i thought you couldn't remove the bubble plate on the deluxe.

Is there feature on the deluxe where you can adjust the water intake like the supermarine? I think that's what made me think of the supermarine in the first place... Maybe Creetin can answer my next question for me haha. Does the deluxe 250 have an adjustable water intake and also what pump does it use? Thanks for the help!

Yeh, the RS has been a great skimmer, but i figured if i'm pulling out that much in 3 days, imagine what a more efficient skimmer could pull. I'm using the stock gen x and the stock NW impellar on it... didn't really want to modify this skimmer like i did with other skimmers, but it seems to do well how it is.
Yes it has the adjustable water inlet. It can be tuned by water inlet, telescopic standpipe, and wedgepipe. It uses the 1500.
Mine is pulling roughly 60 scfh.
Yinger, the Deluxe is BK's flagship line. Here's a link to the manual. You can see a pic of how the bubble plate can be removed


The Deluxe 250 has a RD1500 pump - I believe it also has the nozzle to allow you to adjust water intake.

The Deluxe also has 2 ways to adjust the static water level inside the body - it has a telescoping standpipe + the wedge. SM only has the wedge. This gives Deluxe better *fine tuning* capabilities.

Keep in mind, that the Deluxe is tried and true! SM is still new...we're getting good results, but no long term reports yet ;)

Edit: Creetin - does 60 scfm = 1700 lph? Did i do the conversion right? So you're pulling more than the advertised air!
I was deciding between the 250 Deluxe external and the SM 250. The Deluxe was much more impressive to look at but it had a smaller pump that pulled less air plus it was $500 more.
The Deluxe also has an air sliencer that you can take apart and clean. The SM is not like that, it's a sealed unit.

From what I was told they both will perform pretty much the same so I decided to save the money and space in my fishroom.
Quick question, currently the water level in my sump is 12". Is this too deep to run a 250 deluxe internal? Should I raise it up and if so what is the best depth?
awesome, thanks for the feedback creetin and tbone. I think i'll probably stick with the deluxe then, I like to mess or "fine tune" the skimmer all the time haha.

I was looking at the footprint of both skimmers, it seems that the supermarine actually takes up more space than the deluxe. Also is what size is the body on the deluxe?
spreston - yes, that's too deep. recommended is 20-25cm = 7.87"-9.84"

Oh, BTW, pictures are required if you're an owner ;)

yinger - can't go wrong with Deluxe! I would've gone Deluxe if I had room for its taller collection cup. Body sizes on BK skimmers match its designation

Deluxe 250 and SM250 = 250mm = 9.84"
Deluxe 300 = 300mm, etc

Deluxe skimmers are 10mm taller than the SM, so more contact time :)

Just order one already and join the club! LOL :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12154715#post12154715 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Yinger
awesome, thanks for the feedback creetin and tbone. I think i'll probably stick with the deluxe then, I like to mess or "fine tune" the skimmer all the time haha.

I was looking at the footprint of both skimmers, it seems that the supermarine actually takes up more space than the deluxe. Also is what size is the body on the deluxe?

You wont be dissapointed. Bar none the best built skimmers. Klaus does not skimp on anything or leave anything out. They are built like tanks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12154731#post12154731 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tbone28
spreston - yes, that's too deep. recommended is 20-25cm = 7.87"-9.84"

Oh, BTW, pictures are required if you're an owner ;)

yinger - can't go wrong with Deluxe! I would've gone Deluxe if I had room for its taller collection cup. Body sizes on BK skimmers match its designation

Deluxe 250 and SM250 = 250mm = 9.84"
Deluxe 300 = 300mm, etc

Deluxe skimmers are 10mm taller than the SM, so more contact time :)

Just order one already and join the club! LOL :D

Thanks, looks like I will be building a platform.

Soon to be owner (hmm..since I have already paid for it I guess I am an owner) anyways I won't have it until mid week, but as soon as it is up and running I will definately post pictures.
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