Bubble King Skimmer Club

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:lol2: Lucky for me that my wife's sense of smell isn't as sensitive!
My wife has yet to figure out that filter socks go into the laundry machine. I do them the same time I clean my skimmer cup :) Talk about multi-tasking! :p
Skimmate doesn't smell that bad to me..............course I guess it depends what you do for a living LOL

And for the guy asking about how loud they are, my 400 int. and my 200 SM are so quiet that if you closed your eyes and stood right next to either one, you wouldn't know when I plugged it in :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12406095#post12406095 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefkoi
Skimmate doesn't smell that bad to me..............course I guess it depends what you do for a living LOL

And for the guy asking about how loud they are, my 400 int. and my 200 SM are so quiet that if you closed your eyes and stood right next to either one, you wouldn't know when I plugged it in :D

That is a lies :lol:
ksed - I never got around to ordering the Dwyer meter. Too much other stuff going on with my tank right now. Will get around to it though
I would like to go in on the bk bulk order, pmed too fly, but not sure if he was the proper person to contact. Looking to get a SM 250.

Read through a bunch of the pages, but theres just way to many posts in the past several weeks to read them all about it. Hope im not to late!
hey ca2639 - i'm sure TBone will eventually chime in -- he really did his homework on the skimmers before going with the SM250 for his 180!

ca2639. I would go with a Deluxe 250 for your tank. That was my 1st choice. Reason for going SM was space issues.
Ya I will be 1st or 2nd to get the medium with the airstar but I'm still kinda looking and if I went with BK it was going to be the SM250
My BK SM is absolutely the best investment I have made so far in reefing.....and that is saying something because I have spent thousands over the years. I could not be happier with the performance or quality.
They were selling pretty good but since you post picture of your nasty skimmate. It gives a stronger boost. People don't buy BK much before due to the price but the SM is much cheaper compare to the deluxe..
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