Bubble King Skimmer Club

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What baby? I just had my second and last kid. ;)

Actually, I was on the phone with the dealer today. I haven't decided on the overflow placement partially due to a revelation... the floor isn't joisted (that a word?) the way I thought. Instead of the joists running perpindicular to the length of the tank, they're parallel. So I was going to have a structural engineer over to draw up a plan to reinforce the floor from the basement. But I could probably get by with shoring the $h!t out of it with more 2" x 8"s and using several lally columns to brace everything.

Long story, not so short... Last night, my wife and I were in the basement. I ran over the plan with her for the umpteenth time, cuz she just loves it soooooooooooo much. :D She points out that the plaster board is nailed to the ceiling a way contrary to how I thought the joists were running. She saw this in two seconds. My friends and I, including an engineeer :rolleye1:, failed to see this.

Here's a pic of some of my monkey wrench handy work:


The steel beam is 5" x 10" and the tank will rest about half way on it (perpindicular) and on two 2" x 8" joists, length-wise.

I should start my build thread with this huh? That'd be real impessive. :rolleye1:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12363318#post12363318 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TOO FLY
She points out that the plaster board is nailed to the ceiling a way contrary to how I thought the joists were running. She saw this in two seconds. My friends and I, including an engineeer :rolleye1:, failed to see this.

she's a keeper :p

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12363318#post12363318 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TOO FLY
I should start my build thread with this huh? That'd be real impessive. :rolleye1:

I'll be the first to post :D....and last
So how quite are these? I just bought a reelfo orca 200 and set it up and the boss said that its way to loud, and that I should see about returning it.
I was told that I wouldnt hear my reeflo 200 if it was in my stand and I think that it is very loud. Is there anything you can compare its noise level too?
I was told that I wouldnt hear my reeflo 200 if it was in my stand and I think that it is very loud. Is there anything you can compare its noise level too?
Shawn, my tank is in our family room. My wife wants the tank quiet. With the doors to my stand closed, I can't even here the skimmer pump. With the doors open, I can hear the water from my overflow drain, but not the skimmer itself
tbone, sounds like we have similar set ups. My mom wants it as silent as possible so I hope Premium Aquatics will let me return my reeflo, but I already glued the outflow pipes:(
Shawn, if you can't return it, you can try to sell it here on the classifieds. It seems the reeflos are very popular.

I hope you have some nice plans for your mom on mother's day. If she's willing to buy you a BK, she's a special mom ;)
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