Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

as in fishing bait?
Correct but it is a tunicate species we call it Red bait do a google search on it, many Angels have a large portion of this in their diets naturally and find it hard to resist.
Notice the coloration of the small head!!!!

Very nice pickup Chris. I also had one with an orange head. Mine went more yellow over time in captivity; some theories was that it had to do with lighting/diet.
Thanks Mark! The little guy is doing well and his head is pretty orange when I put it next to the other joc. I am hoping that if I feed it more krill or shrimp that it remains orange.

How have you been man? I have been digging the new XXL Chalupa ever since your boy has been pushing them...pure AWESOMESS!
Thanks Mark! The little guy is doing well and his head is pretty orange when I put it next to the other joc. I am hoping that if I feed it more krill or shrimp that it remains orange.

How have you been man? I have been digging the new XXL Chalupa ever since your boy has been pushing them...pure AWESOMESS!

Life is good my friend. The tank is a little less crowded these days but I might buy a couple Christmas gifts for myself :p

It's all about the black ops!
Yeah I'd like an updated FTS as well! Once those rocks are nice and purple this tank will look even sicker than it already does.

Great Job Sir!

I am planning a large FOWLR tank and am trying to estimate stocking limits for the tank. In following this thread this is what I think you have in your tank. Is this correct?

Moorish Idol
Conspicuous Angel (RIP)
Clarion Angel
Emperor Angel
Blueface Angel
Queen Angel
Bandit Angel
Japanese Venustus Angel
Japanese Blueline Angel
True Personifier Angel
Goldflake Angel pair
Joculator Angel
Wrought Iron Butterfly
Pair of Declivis Butterflies
Holanthias fuscipennis
Flames Wrasse pair
12 Bartlett’s Anthias
Naso Tang
Tinker’s butterflyfish
Hybrid Tinker’s butterflyfish
Lennard’s Tamarin wrasse
A trios of Borbonius Anthias, Flame Wrasse females, and Rhomboid Fairy Wrasse to be added

Also, why do you have dual 125gal sumps under your display tank?
What do you run your salinity level at?
Do you think an anemone would survive in your tank?

very nice tank .. i liked :)

how about your EV 2000 its works well even now?

Because I want to buy one for my sps tank .. do you advise me ?

I am planning a large FOWLR tank and am trying to estimate stocking limits for the tank. In following this thread this is what I think you have in your tank. Is this correct?

Moorish Idol
Conspicuous Angel (RIP)
Clarion Angel
Emperor Angel
Blueface Angel
Queen Angel
Bandit Angel
Japanese Venustus Angel
Japanese Blueline Angel
True Personifier Angel
Goldflake Angel pair
Joculator Angel
Wrought Iron Butterfly
Pair of Declivis Butterflies
Holanthias fuscipennis
Flames Wrasse pair
12 Bartlett's Anthias
Naso Tang
Tinker's butterflyfish
Hybrid Tinker's butterflyfish
Lennard's Tamarin wrasse
A trios of Borbonius Anthias, Flame Wrasse females, and Rhomboid Fairy Wrasse to be added

Also, why do you have dual 125gal sumps under your display tank?
What do you run your salinity level at?
Do you think an anemone would survive in your tank?

Scott - my updated stocklist is:

Moorish Idol
Conspicuous Angel (RIP)
Clarion Angel
Emperor Angel
Blueface Angel
Queen Angel
Bandit Angel
Japanese Venustus Angel
Japanese Blueline Angel
True Personifier Angel
Goldflake Angel pair
Joculator Angel Pair
Wrought Iron Butterfly
Pair of Declivis Butterflies
Holanthias fuscipennis (RIP)
Flames Wrasse pair (dual males)
15 Bartlett's Anthias
Naso Tang (removed and sold)
Tinker's butterflyfish
Hybrid Tinker's butterflyfish
Lennard's Tamarin wrasse (Removed and sold)
Black Tang
Heniochus Butterfly
Pair of True Hawiian Flame angels
Orange Peel Angel
Hybrid bluespotted Lemonpeel
Dussumieri Tang

Also, why do you have dual 125gal sumps under your display tank? I did this for additional water capacity as well as to have the ability to add on if needed as well as compartmentalize for fish that are not behaving.
What do you run your salinity level at? 1.025
Do you think an anemone would survive in your tank? Nope...nothing other than fish would survive maybe some huge colonys of SPS that looks like rock. All my large angels and butterflys would eat anything i put in the tank.

very nice tank .. i liked :)

how about your EV 2000 its works well even now?

Because I want to buy one for my sps tank .. do you advise me ?

I dont have the EV2000 anymore. I replaced it with a SRO XP8000 EXT which is a complete beast. THe EV2000 was awesome as well and would do great in any tank this size.
Scott - my updated stocklist is:

Moorish Idol
Conspicuous Angel (RIP)
Clarion Angel
Emperor Angel
Blueface Angel
Queen Angel
Bandit Angel
Japanese Venustus Angel
Japanese Blueline Angel
True Personifier Angel
Goldflake Angel pair
Joculator Angel Pair
Wrought Iron Butterfly
Pair of Declivis Butterflies
Holanthias fuscipennis (RIP)
Flames Wrasse pair (dual males)
15 Bartlett's Anthias
Naso Tang (removed and sold)
Tinker's butterflyfish
Hybrid Tinker's butterflyfish
Lennard's Tamarin wrasse (Removed and sold)
Black Tang
Heniochus Butterfly
Pair of True Hawiian Flame angels
Orange Peel Angel
Hybrid bluespotted Lemonpeel
Dussumieri Tang

Any plans to put some rare fish in the tank? :inlove:
Why were the Naso Tang and Lennard's Tamarin Wrasse removed? Did they fall into the category of misbehaving?

Any plans to add any other fish?

Have you had any problems with the acrylic scratching? What are you using to clean it? I ask because I am going through the glass vs acrylic debate with myself. So many people have told me that with acrylic, it's not a matter of "if," but "when" you will scratch it. I can't imagine breaking down such a larger tank to clean up the scratches.

Why were the Naso Tang and Lennard's Tamarin Wrasse removed? Did they fall into the category of misbehaving?

Any plans to add any other fish?

Have you had any problems with the acrylic scratching? What are you using to clean it? I ask because I am going through the glass vs acrylic debate with myself. So many people have told me that with acrylic, it's not a matter of "if," but "when" you will scratch it. I can't imagine breaking down such a larger tank to clean up the scratches.


The Naso constantly paced the front of the tank and at 10.5", her spines did a number on the she was removed

The Lennardi was sold as I couldnt turn down the $ that was offered :)

I have a couple of minor scratches, but you cant see it untill you are up close. I will not do glass in this size for 2 reasons: 1 - Weight - I moved my tank into position with my wife, a glass tank this size would weigh around 1400 #'s.
2 - glass scratches as well, and once it does, there is no going back. The acrylic can be buffed quite easily.
I just stumbled across this thread because my LFS told me that there will be some Clarion Angels available soon and I was googling to see what people have paid for them. Have anyone seen any lately and how much was it selling for?