Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

Updates are in!





What happen to all the amazing fish?
I thought you restock after the crash?
Either way it a great start for a reef.
I did a lot of house cleaning in the fish department.

I sold the tinker hybrid, goldflake, blue face, emperor, queen, orangepeel, blues potted lemmonpeel hybrid, and trio of flame backs.

I am going "reef safe" this time around although I am going to put a pair of conspics in the tank.

My stock list will be:
Conspics pair
Black tang pair
4x yellow tang
2x purple tang
5-7 flame wrasse
30 mixed anthias
consider some dwarf angels too.....
the tank is going to be need to change the name of the thread from FOWLR to Reef though...:beer:
I still have my trio of Brazilian Flameback in my reef without any issue.
Also thinking of adding trio of multicolor.
Dwarf angel are very easy to train not to eat corals just feed them
Like anthias .
I did a lot of house cleaning in the fish department.

I sold the tinker hybrid, goldflake, blue face, emperor, queen, orangepeel, blues potted lemmonpeel hybrid, and trio of flame backs.

I am going "reef safe" this time around although I am going to put a pair of conspics in the tank.

My stock list will be:
Conspics pair
Black tang pair
4x yellow tang
2x purple tang
5-7 flame wrasse
30 mixed anthias

Nice choice of fish that you chose. Do you have to keep the Conspics fat so they don't eat corals?
consider some dwarf angels too.....
the tank is going to be need to change the name of the thread from FOWLR to Reef though...:beer:
I had the trio of flamebacks in my 180 reef and they tortured the SPS. I am going to steer clear of Angela in this tank for now.

As for the title. I will create a whole new thread for the reef :)

I still have my trio of Brazilian Flameback in my reef without any issue.
Also thinking of adding trio of multicolor.
Dwarf angel are very easy to train not to eat corals just feed them
Like anthias .
I may try a trio of some thing in the future but only after the reef matures.

Yes and if they could talk.....

Hey.... pictures of the bathroom ? How about the plumbing for the tank ?
I will get some updated pics up of the equipment room and the plumbing.

How about adding a large Achilles!
Actually I forgot to put that in the list. I am planning on 2 Achilles.

Nice choice of fish that you chose. Do you have to keep the Conspics fat so they don't eat corals?
After watching the bandit and the clarion very closely I think that fat and happy would definitely do it. Plus training the fish to eat from the water column is critical.

Haha..........another sucker into the "reef safe" scene :lol2:
LOL! I am a sucker (as you know) however I am going to leave the "iffy" fish alone.
I like the Aquascaping. Looks great now, should be spectacular in a year.

Seeing yours makes me want to do blue background on my next one.
I like the Aquascaping. Looks great now, should be spectacular in a year.

Seeing yours makes me want to do blue background on my next one.
I am really looking forward to seeing what it looks like once everything settles down...the cobalt background is definitely awesome making the whole aquarium bright...

any details on what light units you are using chris?

I have 12 AI SOL Blue units over the top plus some VHO supplement that are not needed, but residual from before. I will get some pictures of the lights when i get back to town.
Here is a picture of the lights



And the calcium reactor (MRC-CR818) and ozone reactor (not connected yet). Notice the battery backup for the more outages causing mass death :)