thanks man! It's slowly coming along
I LOVE YOUR FISH :inlove: haha just an excellent example of all the fish that get to me
love it Cfloor! Oh... and by the way.... I hate you! Even with the issues, sorry to hear about that mate, your tank is looking stunning! Still a prime example of what a SPS tank should look like!
That's a very big compliment, thank you! It still has a long way to go, I really hope I can get it there. Please don't hate me! :lolspin:
Man i looooove this tank:inlove:
Awesome growth,coral placement,fish and colors!Welldone!
Just for the record...i hate you too
Everything happens for a reason and i think that your skimmer died just to give you an excuse to upgrade both skimmer and sump:beer:
I'm sure you'll get your colors back in no time....if you doubt it...i bet you an achilles
What type of sand do you have?
Where do you keep your no3 normally at?
Thanks so much! Right when i got home and saw my skimmer pump broken, I knew it was the perfect excuse for an upgrade, haha. And the sump is really cool. It's a big square tub, looks like a kiddie pool. I think it's 48"x48" so I have a lot of space to work with and it's not crammed. So far, I'm very pleased with it.
My sand is CaribSea I believe, with some of the old gravel still in there that I couldn't reach.
I haven't checked no3 for many months. I just try to keep everything scheduled and consistent as far as feeding, water changes and maintenance. Probably not the best way to do it, but I've started taking a more hands off approach to reef keeping. Basically, dose b-ionic 2 part and acropower, and then do water changes and normal daily maintenance.
Also, achilles are one of my absolute favorite fish and I've never kept one. However, while at the LFS a while ago I came across a juvenile Achilles Goldrim hybrid for an amazing price so I had to do it. He just got out of QT. Such a cool little fish, with a ton of attitude. He didn't back down to anyone when introduced. You can barely see him in the video in the back left of the tank cleaning the glass.
Loving reef!!!
With all your angels you don't have any nipping problems? Specially with LPS?
Thank you, The only nipper I had is my golden angel, and it actually started bothering me lately so I made the tough decision to trade it for some really nice frags. The other angels are fine in there.
Man o man, your tank is looking good.
When you move the camera slightly during the video and the point of view changes, you get a quick glimpse of the scape and depth.
This tank is reaching perfection!!
Corals are large and healthy, there is still space, the balance of form and colour is amazing!!
This is a very seriously nice tank..
Nice job!!!
If you made a video and moved the camera around a bit more, it would show off the space, depth and corals sooo much more...
..please... I want more...
Thanks you for the kind words. What stops me from posting more pics and videos is the quality. My phone just doesn't cut it and I have too many other things coming up to where I don't want to buy a really nice camera. And if I did, I wouldn't have the first clue as to how to use it.
I just made some trades with mostly frags and my golden angel for some "name brand" frags. Stuff I wouldn't normally buy because of the crazy prices. I'm very excited to see how they color up, I just have no where in my display to put them.