How important are the bottom rails and ends? We have wood floors and I wanted to look at following RocketEngineer layout but keeping it so I could get under the stand to wipe up water, etc. I envision using pocket screws and having the outer 8 2x4s act as legs to the ground. I would put rails and ends in between the legs a couple inches off the ground. Would I have to worry about the legs giving out at the bottom?
the bottom frame serves as a load spreader so all the wight of the tank isn't concentrated on the small area where the legs would contact the floor.
A 2x4 is 1.5x3.5 (nominal) which is 5.25 sq in. x8 that's 42 square inches of contact.
If you have a 600g tank, that's 600x8.556= 5133 lbs, plus tank, rock, sand, you're looking at maybe 5600 pounds, which would be a load of a hair over 133psi. A weak floor may bend and warp with that weight (not good), but you shouldn't punch through a well built floor.
load spreading... if you're on something like a raised floor with joists and wood and stuff, you probably want it (in addition to making sure the floor can support the weight, period). You could lower the load down to several psi, which is the point - you won't punch through the floor.
You can totally brace the legs higher up if you want, and if you don't need the load spreading, you can eliminate the bottom frame.
(note: I'm not an engineer, I'm not sure your floor can handle the load, etc... but IMHO you're good, like way over built good.)
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