DIY Stands Template and Calculator

Retuned the marineland stand and started my own build:

First select straight pieces of poplar 1x, I chose hardwood for its strength and really want to build a spacious stand that's not too heavy.

I chose to use kreg jigs to join the frame along a dab of Tightbond III wood glue.

almost done,

You see I built a box on the side for my electrical stuff.
The numbers say you should be ok. However, I dislike the two knots right in the middle of the front and back boards. Those are weak points and would make me nervous .

thanks for running the numbers for me.......

as for the knots in the center, would it be best to add the center support then? The only downfall to that is now losing the room to place a 55 gallon sump. if I place it in there now, it would have to stay there permanently............. :(
Retuned the marineland stand and started my own build:

First select straight pieces of poplar 1x, I chose hardwood for its strength and really want to build a spacious stand that's not too heavy.

I chose to use kreg jigs to join the frame along a dab of Tightbond III wood glue.

almost done,

You see I built a box on the side for my electrical stuff.
Hi Jstn, what size is the tank?
It's a 90

Looks really sharp. I'm about to build 2 stands, for tanks with a 72 x 18 footprint. One is a 125, and the other is a 105. I'm planning to have them butting side by side with the joined sides open to accommodate a common sump and refugium. I liked the open front of your stand which maximizes access. I post pics as I expected started.

And done! I'll finish the knobs for the door later. It comes off as one while piece
The numbers say you should be ok. However, I dislike the two knots right in the middle of the front and back boards. Those are weak points and would make me nervous .


Since I have glue on the joints, how safe would it be for me to add a center vertical support in the front and back of the stand? would that fix my knot problem? Or would you still not trust it?

other than redoing it all, do i have any options to make this stand usable?

id like to put a 55 gallon below, but could get a way with a smaller sump i suppose

Since I have glue on the joints, how safe would it be for me to add a center vertical support in the front and back of the stand? would that fix my knot problem? Or would you still not trust it?

other than redoing it all, do i have any options to make this stand usable?

id like to put a 55 gallon below, but could get a way with a smaller sump i suppose
Why not sister both beams on he inside? (add a second beam to each a strengthen them)
RocketEngineer or anyone with experience in building DIY stands.

I recently ordered a large tank and the steel stand they designed to go with it would not allow me to use the rubbermaid stock tank I want to us.

The dimensions of the DT are 72x28x28 with the drains coming out from the back of the tank with a bean animal setup.

So, Im wondering what the best DIY design to use to avoid a center brace?

I want to use a 100 rubbermaid stock as my sump under the main display. I order to do that the stand can not have a center brace.

What size uprights should I use to avoid the need of center braces?

Are pocket holes better than using the screw strips?

Thanks for your help.
Any thoughts? I'm planning to start building my stand this week. Any suggestions to my earlier post would really be appreciated.

If the knots are dead center, they have little effect on the strength of the wood. You can glue plywood to cover the hidden side, using weights or clamps or braces to ensure a strong bond.
Retuned the marineland stand and started my own build:

First select straight pieces of poplar 1x, I chose hardwood for its strength and really want to build a spacious stand that's not too heavy.

What is size of poplar wood?

Did you get 3/4" nominal wood or really 1" wood?

You see I built a box on the side for my electrical stuff.

What is size of electrical box?

My wife really likes that ideas!