I was thinking of building my 90 gal stand out of 1x4 or 1x3 poplar and wrapped in 3/8 birch, has anyone attempted this before, could I span the entire 4' with no center support?
My previous stand was a similar design with 2x4, I found it way to heavy and over built.
If you are going 1X material I recommend you stick with 1X4s. Poplar is easy to work with because it has almost the same mechanical properties as pine which means going without a center brace in such small material would be questionable. However, if you were to use oak or maple for the two long pieces, the higher wood strength will allow you to do it.
Thank you, that brings up a great point. I was either going to add a removable center brace for working on it; or I can just use a piece of oak. Granted Oak is pricey but for one or two pieces I feel it would be worth it. The bottom can be standard poplar, just the load carrying span should be (real) hardwood?
Stand BUILD! (Trim cont'd):
Then, I added some victorian trim. The trim was 3/4" wide, the same as the top and bottom trim. However, I was concerned about the trim not fitting exactly flush and wanted more detail in the profile. So, I used a table saw to trim the width down so that it was recessed between the top and bottom trim. I also mitered the edges. It was extra work, but I was really happy with the results:
Then, I put on the top "shelf" molding. I routed the edge to give it some detail. I did it on a less than stellar router table. It was a little tricky getting some of the wavy parts out, but I'm happy with the results:
And, to top it off.. I put some crown molding between the top "shelf" and the 1x4 on the sides/front. Couldn't believe how great it looked!!
Here's a shot of the different layers of wood on top of the framing to make up the skin and trim:
The pic vanished!!!
I am glad I went back to this thread and re-read and double checked my dimensions. I did already precut my "purples" and after looking closely, they ended up making my stand 30" tall. DOH!!!
When I was first taking my measurements, the purples said "H-9"". i thought that meant aquarium height. not the stand height i preferred. DOH!! (again)
so, i have a 24" high tank (130 gallon), i was thinking of making the stand 40" high, with a plywood top. then the tank sitting on top. so it would end up being 64ish" high. So the "new" purples would be 31" long, and the greens would be 38" long.
now, i know some members brought up the "tipping over" part of it. So, to avoid that, are there any additional supports that I need to make the overall height safe from tip over?
I am using all 2x6 construction except for the green screw strips, which are 2x4's. Should those be 2x6 as well?