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This should give you a good idea of what I was thinking.
And is that going to be 53" long?
This should give you a good idea of what I was thinking.
And is that going to be 53" long?
This is probably all very simple so I appologise, but can you show me where the tank is going to sit? The tank is exactly 48x25.5x24
So the stand will measure 53x31.5x31
Is this going to be a problem? The tank will sit dead center, so the verticle supports will not be directly underneath the corners of the tank but the two horizontal supports resting on the verticle will be across the length of the tank, should I have a center cross brace?
I screwed up in my math, the tank is going to have a 3" border, which means the overall length will be 54. 54-(3.5x2) would mean there's 0.5" under each corner
Yup but the 3.5" wide red board can take that just fine. Even if it had been exactly at the edge, the load still goes straight into the leg and down which is what you want.
I guess the only question now is
Am I using all 2x4 or am I using 2x6 for the top, since this thing is made of 3/4" glass. Also should I put a center brace, if so how many and what size, also am i putting 3/4" plywood on the top.
2X4 is fine. I would use one cross brave. You don't need more structurally. I recommend the plywood top as a matter of course but it isn't required.
Follow up question. Do I need cross braces on the bottom portion of the tank?
Lol is 0.5" really going to be enough? That's making me a little nervous.
hey guys
So I have been following this thread for a while and I decided to start my own design based on rocket's.
I want to follow a similar concept as above as I will try to push the sump back so the return pipe from the external overflow will drop in a straight line
the tank will be 160 cm x 65 cm x 65 cm 670 l (or around 63 x 25 x 25 inches, 180 US gallons).
Based on your design rocket I believe 2x8 inches support bars will be recommended so I draw the below design, how do you feel it will work?
Remember, that 1/2" overlap is trying to cut the 2X4 in half. It takes a heck of a lot more force to cut that board straight through then you will be applying to it. You could go the other way and have the tank in space by 1/2" and still be fine.
OK cool so to summarize things, you're saying that the tank can be a 1/2" away from the vertical supports floating in space on all sides and I'll still be laughing so the tank resting 1/2" on ask sides is more than enough?
At only 63" long, you could get away with 2X6 for the top boards and 2X4 for the rest.
Thanks rocket, I was hoping you would say that!
I will re draw it now